News Room

Pelosi Statement on Republican Bill Attacking the Open Internet

April 08, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after House Republicans voted to disapprove of the Federal Communications Commissions’ net neutrality rules preserving the openness of the internet and protecting free speech:

“Instead of putting Americans first and working in a bipartisan way to keep the government operating, House Republicans chose to devote time today to a resolution that undermines the open internet and will not become law. 

“An open internet enhances consumer choice, supports entrepreneurship, encourages innovation, and ensures competition in our economy.  It is a building block of free societies in the 21st century, and a source for jobs and economic growth nationwide.  That’s why many of us have fought for net neutrality rules – because no one should guard the gate of our free speech; because the internet strengthens our democracy and opens doors of opportunity, at home and abroad.

“Last year, the FCC issued long-overdue rules for open access to websites and online services.  These standards were a step in the right direction; but, standing alone, the rules are not sufficiently clear, consistent, or firm to effectively protect consumers and innovative freedom.  But that’s not reason to eliminate them; it’s reason to strengthen them.

“Today’s resolution takes us in the wrong direction – revoking basic consumer protections, eliminating competition, and shutting off outlets of innovation.

“In an era when the internet has the potential to stimulate investment, bolster our economy, and transform lives for the better, Democrats and Republicans should be able to agree that we must tap into this potential for the benefit of all Americans.  We must work together to maintain and expand an internet where innovation can flourish, where consumer choice is protected, and where the democratic spirit of our nation remains strong.”