News Room

Pelosi Statement on Republican Leader John Boehner’s ‘Closing Argument’ Speech in Ohio

October 08, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in response to House Republican Leader John Boehner's so-called "closing argument" speech in Ohio this afternoon:

“Leader Boehner failed to offer any plan for America; instead, like other Republican leaders, he once again showed he would return to the same discredited policies that drove America’s economy into a ditch.

“Mr. Boehner couldn’t explain why Congressional Republicans have voted 11 times in the last 4 years to protect tax loopholes for corporations that ship American jobs overseas.  Not surprisingly, he refused to reject the secret, and possibly foreign, multi-million dollar effort to influence our elections by the same special interests who support shipping jobs overseas. 

“Once again, he invoked his support of small business, but wouldn’t explain why he led Congressional Republicans in voting 15 out of 16 times against tax cuts for small businesses to help them create jobs.

“And he failed to tell Americans why Republicans are holding middle-class tax relief hostage to provide tax giveaways for millionaires and billionaires, or why Republicans have endorsed raising taxes in 2010 for tens of millions of Americans.

“Instead of continuing to turn the failed Bush economy around, Leader Boehner and Congressional Republicans want to take us back to the ‘exact same’ policies that nearly destroyed the economy.  We must keep moving America forward on behalf of the middle class and small businesses.”