News Room

Pelosi Statement on 15th Anniversary of Oklahoma City Bombing

April 19, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today to mark the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing and to commemorate the lives of the 168 people who perished that day:

“Fifteen years ago, the people of our nation witnessed the destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and came together in strength out of this moment of tragedy.  Today, we continue to mourn the loss of the 168 Americans; many were federal workers who came to work that morning to serve the public – to help our veterans and the elderly, farmers and the disabled.  Our prayers still rest with the families, neighbors, and loved ones of the men, women, and children who died that day.

“On this solemn anniversary, we remember more than the horrifying images of pain and devastation.  We remember the heroes: the firefighters who worked to put out the flames; the first responders who rescued the wounded; the medical teams who saved lives; the emergency workers who ran into the fire and dug through the rubble.  Their sacrifice is the ultimate testament to our country’s resolve in the face of terror.  Their actions are the true legacy of this day.  In their names, let us unite in our shared humanity.

“Today, let us live up to the legacy of the Americans who perished.  Let us follow the example of the many who came from far and wide to help Oklahoma City recover and rebuild.  Let us recall the response of all Americans 15 years ago: to reject violence; and to embrace compassion in the wake of disaster. And let us recommit ourselves to a spirit of cooperation and service, and to a future of hope for every family.”