News Room

Pelosi Statement on December Jobs Report

January 08, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on the December jobs report issued today by the Department of Labor.

“Today’s jobs report sends a clear message to leaders in Washington and across the country: helping save and create jobs across America must continue to be our top priority.  Signs of growth in recent months will not restore the security of lost paychecks or reassure families still struggling to make ends meet.  We must take action to keep our economy on the road to recovery.

“In the past year, Congress took unprecedented steps to respond to the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created or saved as many as 1.6 million jobs so far, invested in infrastructure and clean energy, and cut taxes for our middle class.  The Cash for Clunkers initiative provided a critical boost to America’s automakers and a break for our nation’s families.

“In December, the House passed the Jobs for Main Street Act – increasing credit for small businesses, rebuilding our roads and bridges, and keeping police, firefighters, and teachers on the job.  We achieve our goals in a fiscally responsible way – paying for these critical investments by redirecting TARP funds from Wall Street to Main Street.  This bill also provides economy-boosting emergency relief for those hardest hit by the recession, extending unemployment benefits, ensuring health insurance for those out of work, and protecting health coverage for millions through Medicaid. 

“Working with the Senate and the President, we will continue to strengthen this legislation, restore opportunity for the middle class, create good-paying jobs for our workers, and lay the foundation for growth in the months and years to come.”