News Room

Pelosi Statement on Human Rights Day

December 10, 2007

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on Human Rights Day, today, December 10:

“As we commemorate International Human Rights Day this year, let us recommit our nation to the principles of the Universal Declaration, values that define America and remain unshakeable as we defend America.

“As Americans, we believe every human being has the basic right to live free from violence, oppression, and deprivation.  Any government that refuses to guarantee these rights or violates them has no place in the community of nations.

“We believe that every worker in the world has the right to a living wage, a safer workplace, and to organize and bargain collectively.  Any government that refuses to secure these rights for its people undermines its workers and their nation’s prosperity.

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in the wake of the atrocities of World War II to serve notice to the world’s would-be dictators that membership in the community of nations is not decided, not on the weight of their military might, but on their commitment to basic human rights.”