News Room

Pelosi: ‘With Faith in the Future, the New Direction Congress Will Continue to Make Progress’

November 01, 2007

Washington, D.C. — Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic leaders and other House Members held an event on the steps of the Capitol this morning with a number of Americans to mark the one-year anniversary of a New Direction Congress and how it has directly affected the lives of everyday Americans.

To view the New Direction Congress brochure, click here.

Below are the Speaker’s remarks:

“One year ago, the American people entrusted their hopes and their dreams, their aspirations for themselves, for their families, and for the future in this New Direction Congress.

“We come here today with great confidence and pride in what we have achieved and what remains for us to be done. I am proud to stand before the majority House Democratic Caucus and salute them, from our chairmen to our newest members, for their great leadership on behalf of the American people.

“With their leadership, this New Direction Congress is focused on creating a great America for our children and our grandchildren.

“We have begun to restore the American dream by rewarding work, by creating new jobs through innovation, and by making college more affordable for many young Americans.

“We have begun to restore accountability by making this the most honest, open, and accountable Congress in history.

“We are holding the Bush Administration accountable for its failed policies in Iraq.

“Because our first responsibility is to make America safer, we will never stop fighting for a New Direction in Iraq. A direction that strengthens our military, refocuses on the real war on terrorism, and brings greater stability to the region. Every day we will work hard to bring our troops home safely, honorably and soon.

“With faith in the future, the New Direction Congress will continue to make progress for America’s children. With faith in God, I know that we will succeed. Thank you.

“Today, we will hear from Americans from across the country. And in that presentation, we will start where we began the New Direction Congress— in making America safer. I am pleased to recognize an Iraq veteran, Congressman Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania. And in recognizing him, we recognize the courage, the patriotism, the sacrifice all of America’s men and women in uniform.”