News Room

Pelosi Statement on CBO Report That Long-Term Military Presence in Iraq Could Cost $2 Trillion

September 21, 2007

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today on a report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) which concluded that America’s long-term military presence in Iraq could cost $2 trillion:


“With thousands of American lives lost in Iraq and the prospect of losing untold more, the CBO report confirms the colossal financial cost of this war.  The President’s endless war in Iraq could cost American taxpayers as much as $2 trillion, according to the CBO.  The American people have long ago rejected the President’s planned 10-year occupation of Iraq and want the Administration to provide a concrete plan to bring our troops home.


“Senate Republicans must end their support for the President’s plan for a long-term occupation of Iraq and stop delaying tactics that have blocked Democratic efforts to responsibly redeploy our troops and end this war.”