News Room

Pelosi Statement on President Bush’s Speech on Iraq

August 22, 2007

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement in response to President Bush’s remarks today at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention in Kansas City:

“In an attempt to justify his stay-the-course strategy in Iraq, President Bush is offering false lessons from history.  The American people have already judged the President’s war in Iraq as the wrong war at the wrong time, and are ready for our troops to come home. 

“Whatever improvements in security that may have resulted from the efforts of our troops since the surge began, Iraqi leaders have not done the hard political work on which the future of their country depends. And therefore, the purpose of the surge -- to enable the Iraqis to produce political reconciliation – has not been accomplished.   That is the standard against which Congress and the American people will judge the White House report of September 15.

“Instead of continuing to spend money and lives in Iraq, the American people want our nation to refocus its efforts against terrorism worldwide, especially in Afghanistan.”