News Room

Pelosi Announces New Majority Leadership Team

November 16, 2006

Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi announced the new Majority Leadership team for the 110th Congress, elected today by members of the Democratic Caucus.  It is as follows:

  • Speaker-designate: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of California
  • Majority Leader: Congressman Steny Hoyer of Maryland
  • Majority Whip: Congressman James E. Clyburn of South Carolina
  • Democratic Caucus Chairman: Congressman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois
  • Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman: Congressman John Larson of Connecticut

Leadership will take office on the first day of the new Congress, January 4, 2007. 

“Last week, in a stunning display of democracy, the American people voted for change,” said Pelosi.  “Today, House Democrats have elected the leaders who will help take our nation in a New Direction.  We will work together to lead the House of Representatives with a commitment to integrity, to civility, and to fiscal responsibility.  This leadership team will create the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history.”

“I am proud and honored that my colleagues in the Democratic Caucus voiced a strong vote of confidence today in the leadership that helped us regain the House Majority,” said Hoyer.  “It is critical that our leadership and our Caucus now move forward – together – and address the issues that confront our nation and our people.  As important as this election was today to Members of our Caucus, the much more important election was held on November 7 – when millions of Americans sent a resounding message for change and a new direction for our country.  Democrats are absolutely united in our desire to achieve results for the American people.  Speaker-elect Pelosi, Whip Clyburn, Caucus Chair Emanuel, Vice Chair Larson, and I look forward to leading our nation in a new direction.”

Clyburn said: “Last Tuesday marked a season of change in America.  Today the Democratic Caucus selected the team that will guide that change through the next two years.  Ecclesiastes reminds us, there is, ‘a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together.’  It is time to start sowing seeds of cooperation and bipartisanship.”

Emanuel said: “On the campaign trail, we made a promise to change the tone in Washington. And last week, the American people sent a message to Washington: it’s time for a New Direction. Today, we took the first step toward fulfilling our commitment. Under this leadership, this Caucus will be the agents of change and reform the People’s House deserves."

“Democrats have chosen a strong slate of leaders and remain united in our goal to move America in a New Direction,” said Larson.  “Being in the majority for the first time in twelve years presents us with the opportunity to lead the country on behalf of the people we are sworn to serve.”