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EPA's Region 6 Office

Serving: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and 66 Tribal Nations

Compliance Assurance and Enforcement Division

"The Environmental Protection Agency will continue to vigorously enforce our nation's environmental laws," said EPA, Region 6, Compliance Assurance and Enforcement Division Director, John Blevins. "In close partnership with our State, Tribal, and local partners, Region 6 efforts continue to move us towards our ultimate goal of a cleaner and healthier environment for all communities."

Our mission is to promote compliance with Federal environmental regulations in partnership with our States and Tribes.

Our vision is to make environmental compliance commonplace and to establish a culture that promotes going beyond compliance through collaboration, innovation and partnership.

We value teamwork, open communication, professionalism, integrity, creativity and fairness.

Organization Chart (20kb pdf, 1pp) (About PDF)

Recent Enforcement Actions
Recent National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents

2011—2013 National Enforcement Initiatives

  1. Keeping raw sewage and contaminated stormwater out of our nation’s waters
  2. Preventing animal waste from contaminating surface and ground waters
  3. Cutting Toxic Air Pollution that Affects Communities’ Health
  4. Reducing Widespread Air Pollution from the Largest Sources, especially the Coal-Fired Utility, Cement, Glass, and Acid Sectors
  5. Reducing pollution from mineral processing operations
  6. Assuring energy extraction sector compliance with environmental laws
2012 Regional Priorities
  • Brine Spills from Oil & Gas Operations
  • Consent Decree Implementation
  • Minor Wastewater Collection & Treatment Systems
  • RCRA Surface Impoundments
  • Centralized Waste Treatment Systems
  • CAA 112r Risk Management Plans
  • Carbon Black/Coke Calciners
  • Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities/Sham Recycling
CAED Accomplishments




CAED In the News and Other Actions

Region 6 News Releases

Headquarters Newsroom

e-Disclosure — Web-Based system for companies to self-disclose environmental violations

Real-Time Enforcement at DFW Area Energy Extraction Facilities
Increased oil and gas exploration production in the DFW Barnett Shale area has led to an increase in public concerns about the possible air pollution impact on public health of nearby communities. Recent inspections of oil and gas facilities in the area by the EPA’s enforcement officers using a new innovative tool, the Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIRâ"¢) camera, have identified numerous emissions of hazardous air pollutants. Real-Time Enforcement web page

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Offices and Branches:

Office of Strategic Planning and Analyses manages cross-cutting programs, such as strategic planning and analyses of regional enforcement and compliance activities, compliance assistance, pollution prevention, environmental assessments under the National Environmental Policy Act and more.

Air/Toxics Inspection & Coordination Branch works with state, local and tribal governments, other federal agencies, businesses and community groups to implement and enforce the CAA regulations.

Hazardous Waste Enforcement Branch provides guidance on all aspects of managing hazardous wastes and chemical substances; and offer compliance assistance to citizens, facilities, States, and Tribes.

Water Enforcement Branch assures compliance and takes appropriate enforcement action against facilities for violations of the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water acts, including animal feed lots, stormwater. Additional water quality information in Region 6 such as permits and grants..

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