U.S. Department of Justice

Detention Reform in Rural Jurisdictions: Challenges and Opportunities

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Oct. 12, 2012

Library ID

  • 026368


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  • 2008
  • 66 pages.

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  • Detention Reform in Rural Jurisdictions: Challenges and Opportunities

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This publication “explores the special needs of rural communities and the special challenges they face in implementing the JDAI [Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative] model. It also details a variety of special techniques, tactics and strategies that can help rural areas accomplish detention reform effectively” (p. 14). Chapters include: the need to focus on rural detention reform; guiding principles; key characteristics of rural communities and youth; what makes rural detention reform difficult—the challenges of place; leading the way on rural detention reform—two examples; lessons for success in reforming juvenile detention in rural jurisdictions; and in the end, a question of leadership.

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