This Week's TriFacta for July 25

July 25, 2011


Job Creation Stagnates as a Result Washington’s Health Care Takeover: According to a July 2011 report from the Heritage Foundation, “Private-sector job creation initially recovered from the recession at a normal rate, leading to predictions last year of a ‘Recovery Summer.’ Since April 2010, however, net private-sector job creation has stalled. Within two months of the passage of Obamacare, the job market stopped improving.’” The study notes that in the months prior to April 2010, private sector firms created more than 67,000 jobs per month. After April 2010 – the month after the President signed the Democrats’ health care takeover into law – private sector job creation plummeted to only 6,400 jobs per month, or less than one-tenth the prior pace.



Job Creators Renew Calls for Less Spending: While Democrats’ argue for increasing the debt without cutting spending, jobs creators know that historic debt will lead to historic, job-killing tax increases. As Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus said on July 20, 2011, “If we don't lower spending and if we don't deal with paying down the debt, we are going to have to raise taxes. Even brain-dead economists understand that when you raise taxes, you cost jobs.”



Key Democrat “abolish IPAB”: Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee ranking member and former chairman Frank Pallone said in his opening statement at a recent hearing on the President’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, “I am very strongly opposed to the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, created under the Affordable Care Act. I’ve never supported it and I would certainly be in favor of abolishing it…It’s not the job of an independent commission to get involved in congressional matters, in this instance, healthcare policies for Medicare beneficiaries…It’s about a growing, imperialistic presidency…We have to stop it. We have to reverse it. We can’t be a part of an effort to let that continue.”


The Republican Plan for Job Creation and Growth

House Republicans have a plan to restore confidence and certainty to the economy and create jobs. For more information on the House Republican Growth Plan, click here:

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