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Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage

pesticide application graphicEPA is responsible for regulating the production and use of pesticides in the U.S. under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Starting in 1979, EPA's Pesticide Program has issued reports that provide economic profile information on the pesticide producing and pesticide using sectors covered by the FIFRA mandated regulatory programs. The reports contain contemporary and historical data estimating the dollar values and quantities of active ingredients used and sold in the United States.

In addition, the reports include data on imports, exports, firms, employment, the number of certified applicators, $and the number of pesticides in use. The reports use the best available information from the public domain and proprietary sources. However, the numbers in the reports represent approximate values rather than precise values with known statistical properties.

The following Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage Reports are currently available in HTML and PDF format:

The more recent reports have updated the estimates provided in earlier years. Thus, to obtain the best historical data, refer to the most recent report instead of the original hard copy published in earlier years.


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