Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams

VolcanoCam Images Archive

Hall Of Fame Images

Mutant Fly Returns?
An image of Mount St. Helens with a fly on the lens.  Everyone just wants their picture taken with an active volcano!

The old VolcanoCam caught a fly on the lens and prompted emails from all over the world. The new VolcanoCam was not yet up a few days when this happened. Everyone just wants their picture taken with an active volcano!

In this image, taken at 8:24 am PDT, on September 28, 2004, the fly is visible in the top right-hand corner. We have it on good advice it really is a fly on the lens and it is not a gigantic fly causing the earthquakes within Mount St. Helens.

Site design and support by USDA Forest Service
Northwest Enterprise Web Team (NEWT)

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

Pacific Northwest Region

USDA Forest Service

Page Last Modified: 20 July 2007 @ 4:39:23 PM EDT.

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