Projects and Products

Reports and Other Products

Historic Context for Evaluating Mid-century Modern Military Buildings - Report, May 2012 (Legacy 11-448) (PDF)

Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archeological Sensitivity - Tech Report, August 2012 (Legacy 10-416) (PDF)

Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archeological Sensitivity and Potential Site Integrity in the Eastern Woodlands - Recommendations for Applying Results to DoD Modeling Initiatives (Legacy 10-416) (PDF)

Archaeology in Conflict: Perspectives, Problems, and Possible Solutions (Legacy 10-324) (PDF)

Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Field Analysis Approach - Report, February 2012 (Legacy 10-435) (PDF)

The purpose of the study was to identify factors useful for assessing potential damage to archaeological sites resulting from military vehicle training activities and determining acceptable thresholds for these activities. The report addresses whether a model of such a threshold can be developed with existing data or whether new data must be collected.

Prioritizing Site Treatment Actions - Report, February 2012 (Legacy 10-122) (PDF)

Assessing Cultural Resources on U.S. Military Installations through the Application of Criterion B (Legacy 10-347) (PDF)

Cultural Resources Public Outreach and Interpretation Source Book - Report (Legacy 10-127) (PDF)

A Guide to Architecture and Engineering Firms of the Cold War Era (Legacy 09-434) (PDF)

Regional Cold War History for Department of Defense Installations in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (Legacy 09-454) (PDF)

Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserves and National Guard Installations from WWI to the Cold War (Legacy 09-431) (PDF)

Strategies for Greening Historic Properties - Part II (Legacy 09-452) (PDF)

Strategies for Greening Historic Properties - Part I (Legacy 09-452) (PDF)

A Case Study for Preserving a Department of Defense Historic Building and Achieving LEED Certification for a Major Renovation Project Indiana Army National Guard Stout Field, Building 5 (Legacy 09-451) (PDF)

DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment, Report (Legacy 09-443) (PDF)

Workshop on Integrating Predictive Models into the CRM Process, Report (Legacy 09-457) (PDF)

Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Data Analysis Approach (Legacy 09-435) (PDF)

Managing Cultural Resources: Compiling and Storing the Data (Legacy 09-351) (PDF)

Maintaining Elements that are Efficient by Design: What's Already Green about Our Historic Buildings (Legacy 09-456) (PDF)

Development of DoD Guidance for Archaeological Site Monitoring and Condition Assessments (Legacy 09-442) (PDF)

Product Catalog for Cultural Property Protection Planning and Training (Legacy 09-324) (PDF)

Rural Industries of the Sand HIlls, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina Context Report (Legacy 09-436) (PDF)

Installations in Guam During the Cold War (Legacy 09-454) (PDF)

DoD Cultural Resources Business Data Standards Summary Report (Legacy 08-369) (PDF)

1933-1943 New Deal Historic Resources on Department of Defense Lands Booklet (Legacy 07-357) (PDF)

Constructing a Regional Historical Context for Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Archaeology of the North-Central Mojave Desert (Legacy 07-349) (PDF)

An Assessment of Archeological Data Quality (Legacy 07-353) (PDF)

Constructing a Regional Historical Context for Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Archaeology of the North-Central Mojave Desert, Report (Legacy 07-349) (PDF)

Published in May 2011, this study takes a regional, multi-agency approach to build a strong and comprehensive context by partnering NAWS China Lake with contiguous and nearby federal land-managing agencies in the Mojave Desert, including the Fort Irwin National Training Center (NTC), the National Park Service (Death Valley National Park and Mojave National Preserve), and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The results are designed to substantially aid National Register determinations of
eligibility by identifying current data gaps and systemizing data collection.

Nationwide Historic Context Study of United States Army Reserve Centers - Report (Legacy 06-295) (PDF)

Military Training Lands Historic Context - Large Arms Ranges (Legacy 05-265) (PDF)

Military Training Lands Historic Context - Miscellaneous Training Sites (Legacy 05-265) (PDF)

Military Lands Historic Context - Training Village, Mock Sites, and Large Scale Operations Areas, Part 2 of 2 (Legacy 05-265) (PDF)

Military Lands Historic Context - Training Village, Mock Sites, and Large Scale Operations Areas, Part 1 of 2 (Legacy 05-265) (PDF)

Military Training Lands Historic Context - Small Arms Ranges (Legacy 05-265) (PDF)

Disaster Preparedness Workbook for Cultural Institutions within the Military (Legacy 03-178) (PDF)

A Management Plan for Known and Potential U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in South Carolina (Legacy 98-1725) (PDF)

Underwater Cultural Resources Management: Resources Protection Plan and GIS for Virginia Shipwrecks - Report, 2004 (Legacy 98-1725) (PDF)

Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment, Volume I (Legacy 97-0076) (PDF)

The Beartail Rockshelter Legacy Project (Legacy 95-0597) (PDF)

Patriotic Legacy: The Navajo Code Talkers and the Use of Native American Languages in Defense of America (Legacy 94-0311) (PDF)

Archeology and Bioarcheology of the Northern Woodlands - Report, 1997 (Legacy 94-0008) (PDF)

Archeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains - Report, 1996 (Legacy 94-0008) (PDF)

Archeological and Bioarcheological Resources of the Northern Plains - Report, 1996 (Legacy 94-0008) (PDF)

A Good Home for a Poor Man - Fort Polk and Vernon Parish 1800 - 1940 (Legacy 94-0754) (PDF)

Rock Art Study on DoD Property Located in LANTOPS, EFA Chesapeake, and NORTHDIV Areas of Responsibility (Legacy 94-0021) (PDF)

U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview (Legacy 93-0856) (PDF)

Historic Preservation Plan for the Kahuku Training Area - Oahu, Hawaii (Legacy 93-0539) (PDF)

An Optimal Foraging Model of Hunter-Gatherer Land Use in the Carson Desert - Report, 1995 (Legacy 92-0497) (PDF)

The Garden Canyon Project: Studies at Two Rockshelters at Fort Huachuca, Southeastern Arizona - Report, 1993 (Legacy 92-0021) (PDF)

Paleontology Resources: A Key to Unlocking the Past (Legacy 92-0482) (PDF)

National Historic Context for DoD Installations, 1790 - 1940 Volume I of IV (Legacy 92-0075) (PDF)

National Historic Context for DoD Installations, 1790 - 1940 Volume II of IV (Legacy 92-0075) (PDF)

National Historic Context for DoD Installations, 1790 - 1940 Volume III of IV (Legacy 92-0075) (PDF)

National Historic Context for DoD Installations, 1790 - 1940 Volume IV of IV (Legacy 92-0075) (PDF)

Reveille to Taps: Camp Forrest, TN 1940-1946 (Legacy 92-0442) (PDF)

Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are: An Ethnohistorical Study of African-American Community on the Lands of Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, 1865-1918 (Legacy 91, 92-0067) (PDF)

Late Holocene Paleoclimatic Stress and Prehistoric Human Occupation on San Clemente Island (Legacy 91-083/91-473) (PDF)

DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards Poster - Iraq & Afghanistan (Legacy 07-324) (PDF)

DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards Poster - Egypt (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

Soldier Pocket Guide (English) - Heritage Preservation - ROE First (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

Individualized self-taught cultural property protection instruction: a double-sided four- by six-inch card printed Soldier Pocket Guide that contains basic top-of-mind information and guidance on cultural heritage issues and cultural property protection.

Soldier Pocket Guide (Arabic) - Heritage Preservation - ROE First (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

Individualized self-taught cultural property protection instruction: a double-sided four- by six-inch card printed Soldier Pocket Guide that contains basic top-of-mind information and guidance on cultural heritage issues and cultural property protection.

Soldier Pocket Guide (Dutch) - Heritage Preservation - ROE First (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

Individualized self-taught cultural property protection instruction: a double-sided four- by six-inch card printed Soldier Pocket Guide that contains basic top-of-mind information and guidance on cultural heritage issues and cultural property protection.

Soldier Pocket Guide (German) - Heritage Preservation - ROE First (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

Individualized self-taught cultural property protection instruction: a double-sided four- by six-inch card printed Soldier Pocket Guide that contains basic top-of-mind information and guidance on cultural heritage issues and cultural property protection.

DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards Poster - Afghanistan (Legacy 09-324) (PDF)

Respect Egyptian Heritage Poster (Legacy 09-324) (PDF)

Respect  Iraqi & Afghan Heritage Poster (Legacy 09-324) (PDF)

Respect  Afghan Heritage Poster (Legacy 09-324) (PDF)

A History of Fort Amador and Fort Grant - The Former Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama - Report (Legacy 93-1326) (PDF)

Fact Sheets

Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archeological Sensitivity (Legacy 10-416) (PDF)

Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity: A Field Analysis Approach (Legacy 10-435) (PDF)

DoD Heritage Partnerships Lessons Learned - 2010 (Legacy 10-324) (PDF)

Assessing Cultural Resources on US Military Installations Through the Application of Criterion B (Legacy 10-347) (PDF)

Cultural Resources Public Outreach and Interpretation Source Book (Legacy 10-127) (PDF)

Training for In-Theater Cultural Resources 2006-2011 (Legacy 09-324) (PDF)

Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserves and National Guard Installations from WWI to the Cold War (Legacy 09-431) (PDF)

A Guide to Architecture and Engineering Firms of the Cold War Era, Fact Sheet (Legacy 09-434) (PDF)

Development of DoD Guidance for Archaeological Site Monitoring and Condition Assessments, Fact Sheet (Legacy 09-442) (PDF)

Rural Industries of the Sand Hills, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina (Legacy 09-436) (PDF)

DoD Responsibilities to Native Hawaiian Organizations and NHO Cultural Communications Training (Legacy 09-293) (PDF)

DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment (Legacy 09-443) (PDF)

A Case Study for Preserving a DoD Historic Building and Achieving LEED Certification for a Major Renovation Project, Indiana National Guard, Stout Field, Building 5 (Legacy 09-451) (PDF)

Workshop on Integrating Predictive Models into the CRM Process (Legacy 09-457) (PDF)

Maintaining Elements that are Efficient by Design (Legacy 09-456) (PDF)

Strategies for Greening Historic Properties (Legacy 09-452) (PDF)

Integrating Military Training and Archaeological Site Integrity (Legacy 09-435) (PDF)

Managing Cultural Resources: Compiling and Storing the Data (Legacy 09-351) (PDF)

DoD Cultural Resources Data Management Needs Assessment (Legacy 08-369) (PDF)

Training for In-Theatre Cultural Resource Protection 2008 (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

2008 Department of Defense Historic Building Conference (Legacy 08-387) (PDF)

Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE) Cultural Resources Data Model (Legacy 08-409) (PDF)

Analysis of the Historic Properties Data Element in the OSD Facilities Analysis Database (PDF), Fact Sheet (Legacy 07-376) (PDF)

Using the National Council on Preservation Education (NCPE) summer intern program, an individual worked with staff from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) to collect and analyze DoD RPI information. The individual analyzed data in the Historic Properties Data Element in the OSD Facilities Analysis Database (FAD); establish baseline information for clear real property goals and objectives for DoD historic properties.

Analysis of Service Records Management Systems for Rescue and Retention of Cultural Resource Documents (Legacy 07-352) (PDF)

Constructing a Regional Historical Context for Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Archaeology of the North-Central Mojave Desert (Legacy 07-349) (PDF)

DoD 2007 Desk Guide to Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes of the SE US (PDF), Fact Sheet (06-315) (PDF)

This one page summary describes a project that published a guide that makes contact between military installations and Tribes a one stop shop where both military installations and Tribes are able to get contact information, brief histories, and organizational structure information to begin consultation.

A Historic Context and Database for the Military-Industrial Complex in the State of Texas, Fact Sheet (Legacy 06-231) (PDF)

Section 106 Standard Treatments: A Program Alternative (Legacy 06-313) (PDF)

This one page summary describes an aim to develop Standard Treatments for repair and maintenance of building materials and systems common to historic military buildings. The goal is to reduce compliance timeframes and encourage use of the Secretary of the Interiors Rehabilitation Standards. The process involves consultation with the ACHP and additional stakeholders, as defined in 36 CFR 800.14. Should standard treatments be authorized by the ACHP, the Navy, acting as project lead for the DoD, will initiate the process to adopt the treatments as Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC).

Conservation of H. L. Hunley and its Associated Artifacts (Legacy 05-106) (PDF)

Rock Art Study On DoD Property Located in LANTOPS, EFA Chesapeake, and NORTHDIV Areas of Responsibility (Legacy 94-0021) (PDF)

The Benefits of Cultural Resource Conservation, Fact Sheet (Legacy 92-0239) (DOC)

Training for In-Theatre Cultural Resource Protection, Fact Sheet (Legacy 07-324) (PDF)


Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archeological Sensitivity - Black Earth Protocol (Legacy 10-416) (PDF)

Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archeological Sensitivity - Remote Sensing Protocol (Legacy 10-416) (PDF)

Archeology, Stewardship and Preparing for Global Operations - U.S. Lessons Learned (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

Archeology and Heritage Awareness Training - The Fort Drum Pilot Project (Legacy 08-324) (PDF)

DoD Legacy Submerged Heritage Briefing (Legacy 07-324) (PDF)


Connect People Places: A Source Book for Interpreting Cultural Resources to Engage the Public (Legacy 10-127) (PDF)

Pamphlet: A Summary of the Strategies for Greening Historic Properties Study (Legacy 09-452) (PDF)

Pamphlet: Maintaining Elements that are Efficient by Design - What is Already Green about our Historic Buildings (Legacy 09-456) (PDF)

Pamphlet: Rural Industries of the Sand Hills, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina (Legacy 09-436) (PDF)

Protecting the Past to Secure the Future: Best Management Practices for Hardening Archeological Sites on DoD Lands (Legacy 06-303) (PDF)

The Military Heritage Guidebook (Legacy 03-196) (PDF)

Last Modified: 24 September 2012 at 14:23