Organization Structure

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Chief Financial Officer
Mission Statement

To provide the central overview of Center-wide formal financial activities and focal point through which Center level decisions are developed and executed; to ensure that consistent plans exist at all times for the most effective utilization of combined Center resources in meeting overall Center objectives and to be cognizant of Center-wide commitments against planned and available resources to develop, implement, and administer a financial operating program for the Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) and provide an integrated financial control and reporting system as the factual and legal basis for accountability of Center funds; and to establish procedures for minimization of fraud, waste, and abuse of government assets.

Code C: Office of the Chief Financial Officer

The Code C support staff consists of computer and systems analysis and Contractor Officer Technical Representative (COTR) activities. The staff coordinates the development, modification, maintenance and support of Center Business Information Systems. They also provide systems analysis for the business functional areas such as finance, legal, security, safety, resources, acquisition, human resources, payroll and equal opportunity. Additional COTR support is provided for the Center through the Administrative Support Contract.

Valerie Zellmer, Chief Financial Officer
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Mail Stop 1409B
Edwards, CA 93523

Code CF: Financial Management Office

The Financial Management Office administrates fiduciary responsibilities over appropriation integrity, timeliness, and compliance with Agency and other federal policies and regulations. It is responsible for assuring the accuracy and consistency of financial information reflected in their books of account, and for conducting internal reviews of internal controls and financial accounting activities.

The Financial Management Branch is divided into two Teams: the Cost, Payments and Employee Services Team and the General Accounting and Reports Team.

The Cost, Payments and Employee Services Team is responsible for processing all vendor and travel payment activity complying with all prompt payment criteria and reporting requirements. The second area of responsibility includes processing DFRC'S payroll operations and all monetary awards, Federal & State Withholding, bond enrollments, court ordered salary deductions/tax levies, salary allotments to financial institutions, as well as maintaining employee's leave balances. Third area consists of administering all accounts receivable billing, collecting and reporting activities which includes monitoring and analyzing accrued cost on reimbursable agreements and billing for reimbursement based on cost accruals. The team also administers the recording of Contractor Cost accrual data, and analysis and accrual recording for non-contractor cost activity. In addition, this team is responsible for making employee travel reservations, the packaging of travel materials, and the processing of travel credit cards.

The General Accounting and Reports Team is responsible for all Allotment Ledger accounting and for certification of available funds where manual certification is required. This team applies controls over enforcement of appropriation laws, and assures compliance with Agency and federal policies and regulations relating to appropriation integrity. Is also responsible for maintaining general ledger accounts for the Center and for conducting reconciliation's between subsidiary accounts, and other accounting systems, which are required to assure the integrity of the Centers Books of Account. This team is also responsible for the submission of the Statement of Transactions, Financial And Contractual Status report, Statement of Difference resolution, and tracking, and monitoring disbursement errors. This team provides for the maintenance and reconciliation of Property and Equipment subsidiary accounts.

Eileen Detka, Branch Chief, Financial Management Office
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Mail Stop 1013
Edwards, CA 93523

Code CR: Resources Management Office

The Central Resources Management office is responsible for the oversight and management of all funds received by the Center. It performs consolidation and integrational functions, provides support for current and future year planning and estimating as well as guidance with recommendations for management decisions. This office provides the core staffing for the Full Cost Team responsible for development and implementation of Full Cost at the Center.

The co-located analysts are resident in their assigned technical and functional organizations. They are responsible for the budget distribution, allocation, management, planning, phasing and implementation within their organization. All analysts are, in general, responsible for processing the following funding: reimbursable, subauthorizations, direct R&D, Service Pools (Program Support), G&A (ROS), travel and training. They also respond to HQ, other Centers and Agencies as necessary to meet job requirements and attain the required metrics.

LaVonne Bour, Branch Chief, Resource Management Office
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Mail Stop 1409B
Edwards, CA 93523