NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Sharing Data

Inside NERSC - Sharing Your Own Data Between NERSC Systems

Use Global Home for source code and other smaller files. For large data, use Global Scratch.

Accessing the Data on Local-scratch of Hopper on other NERSC Systems

Local-scratch on Hopper is not accessible directly by other NERSC Systems (E.g. Euclid), so you need to move the data to Global Home or Global Scratch.

Inside NERSC - Sharing Data with Other NERSC Users

Use the Project Directory to share data with other nersc users.

Outside NERSC - Sharing Data with Your Collaborators over the Web

You can easily share your data with the rest of the world by creating a "www" directory in your Project directory. This now becomes publicly visible through the science gateway nodes at:<yourproject>/

The "www" directory must be readbale and executable by "other" (chmod -R o+rX). For more information on how to share your data, or building more advanced data sharing portals, visit the science gateways page.