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National Training Center
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Welcome to the Office of the National Training Center

The National Training Center (NTC) was initially created to enhance and standardize the capabilities of contractor protective forces assigned to protect vital assets under the care of the Department of Energy (DOE). The NTC has developed, implemented, and maintained vital training programs for DOE Safeguards and Security elements since 1984. During its history, the NTC ~under various titles~ has become nationally recognized for its training programs and services.

Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Kirtland AFB, the mission of the NTC is to provide DOE Safety and Security personnel with quality training in support of professional development. The NTC will effectively and efficiently develop, deliver, and evaluate DOE Safety and Security training. The NTC will continue to focus on identifying and meeting the Department's training needs and forming partnerships to improve its operational effectiveness.

Please click on this link to go to the National Training Center.


The NTC is the center for DOE's health, safety and security training excellence for the protection of people, the environment and vital assets of the United States. The NTC provides the Department of Energy (DOE)/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Safety and Security personnel with quality training in support of professional development. The NTC promotes effective and efficient development, delivery, and evaluation of DOE/NNSA Safety and Security training. The NTC continues to identify the training needs of the Departments Safety and Security professionals and form partnerships to improve the effectiveness of its operations. NTC provides training based on the competencies outlined in the Functional Area Qualification Standards or job task analysis for DOE/NNSA federal and contractor personnel.


  • Identifies, develops, and delivers training courses that support the current and evolving DOE/NNSA safety, and security courses. These courses are linked to the specific functional area qualification standards, executive core qualifications, technical qualification program and job analysis for both federal and contractor personnel.
  • Establishes and manages the Training Approval Program (TAP) which assesses site developed training programs to ensure standardized criteria are met.
  • Employs effective and efficient processes for the development, delivery and evaluation of all training courses.
  • Maintains a full range of training delivery capabilities to assure use of current technologies and cost-effective training delivery options.
  • Promotes and supports competency-based training in the areas of safety and security and provides professional development and career progression tools through the NTC curriculum tracks.
  • Coordinates the Nuclear Executive Leadership and Senior Technical Safety Manager training at the corporate level for the Department's safety and security personnel.
  • Represents the Department on advisory committees, provides support to program offices and sites, to assure relevancy and appropriateness in the development and delivery of training curricula.
  • Consults with standards-setting organizations, such as the Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation Board and others to obtain certification and accreditation of NTC courses, as appropriate.
  • Provides training and services to other government agencies charged with protecting national security and critical assets as requested consistent with HSS and Departmental priorities.

This page was last updated on May 10, 2012