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Semantic Interoperability of Clinical Documents


For more information regarding CDA Guideline Validation, visit:

NIST in collaboration with Alschuler Associates, LLC, Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) and the CCHIT Health IT Collaboration Effort "LAIKA", is working on a series of testing tools for promoting the adoption of standards-based interoperability by vendors and users of healthcare information systems.


The testing tools are designed to be used by HIT developers and implementers during the development of software that implements CDA/CCD-based specifications. These tools can be used for self-testing to determine if an XML instance document is correct with respect to the specifications identified within the following HITSP constructs.

  • C37: Lab Report Document
  • C32: HITSP Summary Documents Using HL7 CCD (formerly known as Registration and Medication History)
  • C28: Emergency Encounter Summary Document Component

The schematron rules used for HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) are available at the HL7 Wiki. All other schematron files are available at: http://xreg2.nist.gov/cda-validation/.


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