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Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008

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Rule Highlights
The Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS)
Current Obligations
RSSD Number
Fingerprinting and Criminal Background Check
Registration Resources
Regulation and Policy Contacts

Current Obligations

A. Develop Policies & Procedures
B. Identify Your Institution’s NMLS System Administrator(s)
C. Identify Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs)
D. How to Register

A. Develop Policies and Procedures

Institutions that employ MLOs must adopt and follow written policies and procedures designed to assure compliance with the final rule, which sets minimum standards, as follows:

  • The policies and procedures must be appropriate to the nature, size, complexity, and scope of the bank’s mortgage lending activities, and apply only to those employees acting within the scope of their employment at the bank.
  • At a minimum, institutions must establish processes, procedures and systems to
    • Identify which employees should be registered;
    • Inform and instruct MLOs about SAFE Act registration requirements and compliance procedures;
    • Secure and provide unique identifiers;
    • Confirm the adequacy and accuracy of employee registrations, including updates and renewals, by comparing information with their own records;
    • Monitor compliance with registration and renewal requirements and procedures;
    • Conduct annual independent compliance testing;
    • Effect appropriate action if an employee fails to comply with the registration requirements of the Act, rule or bank’s policies and procedures, including prohibiting employees from acting as MLOs;
    • Review employee criminal history background reports, take appropriate action consistent with applicable Federal law, including Section 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, and maintain records of the reports and response; and
    • Ensure that any third party with which the bank has arrangements related to mortgage loan origination has appropriate registration, licensing and other compliance policies and procedures.

B. Identify Your Institution’s NMLS System Administrator(s)

Each federally-regulated institution will establish a ‘base’ record in the NMLS in order to facilitate the confirmation, management and oversight of registrations of MLOs employed by that institution. Once the system becomes operational, the institution will need to request an account and establish at least one Account Administrator to handle the administrative processes on behalf of the institution. Per section 365.103(e)(1)(F) of the rule, the Account Administrator may not be an MLO unless the institution has 10 or less full time employees.

Per section 365.103(e)(1)(F) of the rule, the Account Administrator may not be an MLO unless the institution has 10 or less full time employees. The Agencies recognize that in very small institutions with few employees, the basic internal control provided by a separation of duties can be difficult to reasonably accomplish. Although the Agencies provide some relief from this separation of duties requirement through Sec.365.103(e)(1)(i)(F), qualifying institutions will be expected to implement alternative controls to ensure that a mortgage loan originator is performing these administrative duties appropriately, given the level of access they will have to co-workers confidential information.

Specific instructions for creating a base record and establishing institution administrators are available on the NMLS website at:

C. Identify Mortgage Loan Originators (MLO)

The registration of mortgage loan originators employed by Agency-regulated institutions is explicitly required by the SAFE Act. Pursuant to Section 1507 of the SAFE Act, an MLO must be Federally-registered if that individual is an employee of a depository institution, an employee of any subsidiary owned and controlled by a depository institution and regulated by a Federal banking agency, or an employee of an institution regulated by the FCA.

There are distinct differences under the SAFE Act between registration requirements applicable to employees of entities that are regulated by the FDIC, and the state licensing requirements applicable to other mortgage loan originators. The definition of ‘‘depository institution’’ in the FDI Act and in the SAFE Act does not include bank or savings association holding companies or their non-depository subsidiaries. Employees of these entities who act as mortgage loan originators are not covered by the Federal registration requirement and, therefore, must comply with State licensing and registration requirements.

An MLO that previously was licensed under state law will need to update his or her record in accordance with section 365.103(a)(4) of the FDIC's rule.

The rules include an exception for mortgage loan originators that originated five or fewer mortgage loans during the previous 12 months and who have never been registered; they would not be required to complete the federal registration process.

Individuals convicted of crimes involving dishonesty, breach of trust, or money laundering, are prohibited from participating, directly or indirectly, in the affairs of a bank without the written consent of the FDIC. Refer to Section 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/1000-2100.html#fdic1000sec19) for full and specific discussion of the prohibition, exceptions, and penalties for violation.

The NMLS will include a batch-upload capability to facilitate the registration of multiple MLOs from a single institution; details will be posted to the NMLS website.

D. How to Register

Further information regarding the registry and the registration process is available at the registry's website:

Last Updated 02/04/2011 SafeActSystem@fdic.gov