NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

User Accounts (Logins)

Acknowledge NERSC

Please acknowledge in your pubications the role NERSC facilities played in your research. Also, please alert our communications staff when a paper is accepted or close to publication. They may feature your work in a science story and on the NERSC home page. A sample acknowledgement: This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.   You… Read More »

How to get a NERSC account

In order to use the NERSC facilities you need your own NERSC username and you also must be a member of a project that has a NERSC award. Read More »


A user is given a username (also known as a login name) and associated password that permits her/him to access NERSC resources. This username/password pair may be used by a single individual only: passwords must not be shared with any other person. Passwords must meet rigorous complexity criteria. If you forget your password, you can reset it using NIM if you have previously answered some security questions. Read More »

Managing Your User Account

This page explains what you need to know to customize your user account to meet your needs and to keep it up-to-date. Read More »

How usage is charged

This page explains charging for computational and mass storage resources. Read More »

Account Policies

There are a number of policies which apply to NERSC users. These policies originate from a number of sources, such as DOE regulations and DOE and NERSC management. Read More »

NERSC Computer Use Policies Form

The following is a list of general computer use policies and security rules that apply to all users of NERSC resources.  Further information on NERSC security policies and practices can be found on the NERSC Computer Security page.  Principal Investigators are responsible for implementing these policies and procedures in their organization and ensuring that users fulfill their responsibilities.  NERSC must have a signed copy of this form on file for every user. If you are reading this form… Read More »

Production Project Accounts

Overview Most NERSC login accounts are associated with specific individuals and must not be shared. Sometimes it is advantageous to have a login account which is not tied to a person but instead to the group for the purposes of shared access to batch jobs or data. Project Accounts are designed to facilitate collaborative computing by allowing multiple users to use the same account.  All actions performed by the Project Account are traceable back to the individual who used the Project… Read More »

NERSC Computer Security

NERSC computer security efforts are aimed at protecting NERSC systems and its users' intellectual property from unauthorized access or modification. You can help to keep NERSC more secure by understanding cyber security risks and taking precautions against them. Read More »