NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

M. Philippe Errera

Permanent Representative – France

Philippe Errera served as chief of staff (2009-2010) and, previously, adviser for strategic and multilateral affairs (2007-2009) to the Minister of Foreign and European affairs.

Previously, he was director for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation (2006-2007), and deputy director of the Centre d’Analyse et de Prévision(Policy planning) at the Quai d'Orsay since April 2003.

He was posted in Washington, D.C. as an exchange diplomat at the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of European Affairs (1998-99), and as counselor in charge of politico-military affairs at the French Embassy (1999-2003).

Philippe Errera began his career at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Office of EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (1996).

He holds a degree from the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and is a graduate of the National School of Government (ENA, 1996) .

Philippe Errera is married and has two children.

Last updated: 07-Mar-2011 10:35
