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Media Contact: Fred Strohl
Communications and Media Relations

ORNL hosting 28 bright students from Governor's Academy

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory engineer Mark Bradley explains ORNL’s robotics research to students from the Tennessee Governor’s Academy for Math and Science. (ORNL photo by Jason Richards).
Oak Ridge National Laboratory engineer Mark Bradley explains ORNL’s robotics research to students from the Tennessee Governor’s Academy for Math and Science. (ORNL photo by Jason Richards). (hi-res image)
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Sep. 17, 2009 — Twenty-eight high school juniors, who are among Tennessee's brightest students, are beginning an academic year long program through the Governor's Academy for Math and Science.

Cheryl Terry, manager of Oak Ridge Associated Universities' education programs, said the students will focus their attention on activities at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee.

"They are going to be taking tours, attending seminars and getting acclimated to the lab for the fall semester," Terry said. "During the spring semester, they will be in research projects - whether it be individual or in teams. They take mainly math and high school science classes through the Tennessee Governor's Academy and the University of Tennessee."

The program will run through next May. This is the third year of the Governor's Academy for Math and Science.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.
