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Media Contact: Mike Bradley
Communications and Media Relations

UT-Battelle donates $30,000 to Knoxville College

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Accepting a $30,000 gift from UT-Battelle's Greg Turner (left) and Mike Bradley (right) are  
Ronald Damper, Knoxville College board chairman (center left), and  Robert Harvey, Knoxville 
College interim president.
Accepting a $30,000 gift from UT-Battelle's Greg Turner (left) and Mike Bradley (right) are Ronald Damper, Knoxville College board chairman (center left), and Robert Harvey, Knoxville College interim president. (hi-res image)
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Oct. 26, 2006 — UT-Battelle has presented a $30,000 gift to Knoxville College for the renovation of the math and science building at the historically black educational institution.

Knoxville College Interim President Robert Harvey said the contribution, announced Thursday during a special meeting at the college's McMillan Chapel, is part of the school's Road to Success campaign to help graduates be more competitive in a global market.

"UT-Battelle has been a strong partner in our effort to better prepare students for careers in math and science," Harvey said. "We appreciate all that they have done -- and are doing -- for Knoxville College."

The donation will be used to renovate and upgrade the A.K. Stewart Science Hall. The building was constructed in 1957 and houses science laboratories and classroom facilities at Knoxville College.

"Most of my time spent at Knoxville College has been in that building," Harvey said. "I taught there when I chaired the Math Department, so that certainly makes this gift all the more gratifying."

Thursday's event also included presentation of Leadership Awards to Knoxville News Sentinel Editor Jack McElroy and State Representative Joe Armstrong for their support of Knoxville College.

"It has been my privilege to work along with supporters like Jack McElroy and UT-Battelle to make Knoxville College a better school," Armstrong said.

UT-Battelle, which manages Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Department of Energy, has donated more than $8 million to area organizations in support of science and math education, economic development, and other civic projects since 2000.

"We believe in Knoxville College, and we want to be part of the college's future," said UT-Battelle Chief Finance Officer Greg Turner.