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Media Contact: Mike Bradley
Communications and Media Relations

Secondary Contact: Ashley Yeager
Communications and External Relations

Christensen to lead ORNL's Energy and Engineering Sciences Directorate

Dana C. Christensen
Dana C. Christensen (hi-res image)
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., June 8, 2006 — Dana C. Christensen has been named Associate Laboratory Director for Energy and Engineering Sciences (EES) at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Christensen will oversee the directorate comprising three divisions and seven major programs charged with developing technologies toward diversified energy production methods, improved energy transmission, reduced energy consumption and energy security.

He comes to ORNL from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he held the position of Principal Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for Threat Reduction.

ORNL Director Jeffrey Wadsworth said that Christensen brings broad management and program leadership experience in materials science, nuclear energy, fossil and renewable energy, nuclear materials processing and scientific research to the EES Directorate.

"Dana joins ORNL at a time of extraordinary opportunity for energy and engineering research and development. Leadership in energy research and development is critical to the future of ORNL and the nation," Wadsworth said.

Christensen has more than 15 years of experience managing major facilities, programs, and line organizations as director of the Nuclear Materials Technology Division at LANL, principal deputy associate director for the Energy and Environment Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Christensen studied chemical engineering at New Mexico State University, where he earned an undergraduate, M.S. and doctorial degree. He holds an Executive Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of New Mexico.

Christensen succeeds Ted Fox, who served as the EES's interim director for the past seven months. Fox will resume his position as director of the Engineering Science and Technology Division.

Christensen and his wife, Betsy, are currently relocating to the Oak Ridge area. They have two sons and a granddaughter.

UT-Battelle manages Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is a multi-program laboratory, for the Department of Energy.