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Media Contact: Fred Strohl
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Melnichenko elected American Physical Society fellow

Yuri Melnichenko
Yuri Melnichenko (hi-res image)
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Jan. 30, 2006 — Yuri Melnichenko, senior research staff member in the Center for Neutron Scattering at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been elected a fellow of the American Physical Society.

Melnichenko was selected for "significant contributions to the fundamental science underlying universal aspects of macromolecules in polymer solutions, supercritical mixtures and polymer blends."

His research focuses on investigations of structures using a small-angle neutron scattering technique.

Melnichenko has been with ORNL since 1995 when he joined the laboratory as a post-doctoral research associate. He joined the Condensed Matter Sciences Division in 2000 as a research staff member in the Center for Neutron Scattering.

He has published more than 40 papers and made numerous presentations at seminars internationally during the past 11 years.

Melnichenko earned bachelor's and master's degrees in physics from Kiev State University in the Ukraine before earning a doctorate in polymer physics from the Ukranian National Academy of Science.

His wife, Galina, manages the water quality and analytical laboratory at the University of Tennessee's Department of Biosytems Engineering and Soil Science.

The Melnichenkos have two sons - Oleg, who is an engineer with Exxon-Mobil in Paulsboro, N.J., and Yuri Jr., an architecture student at the University of Tennessee. Oleg's wife, Diana, is a trade assistant with the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia.

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