NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Joint NERSC/OLCF/NICS Cray XT5 Workshop

February 1, 2010





February 1-3, 2010
Berkeley, CA

The Joint Cray XT5 Workshop is designed to provide an in-depth introduction to using the world's newest and largest Cray XT5 systems. Representatives and staff from the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, the National Institute for Computational Science, Cray, and AMD will explain how to use XT5 systems productively.

>> Download and View this presentation of the Cray architecture at the bottom of this page


See this page for Directions and other resources for this event.

Intended Audience

The workshop is aimed at both new and intermediate users of the Cray XT5. It is intended for those who already have some High Performance Computing Experience - knowledge of Linux, a programming language such as C/C++ or Fortran, and some exposure to parallel programming concepts with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is expected.

Hands-on sessions will use Cray XT systems at NERSC, OLCF and NICS.

Presented by

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at
Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryNERSC

The Leadership Computing Facility - Oak Ridge National Laboratory


The National Institute for Computational Science
at the University of Tennesee


Cray, Inc.

Additional Sponsorship by

Cray, Inc.


AMD logo



  • crayxtarchitecture.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Cray XT Architecture, Jeff Larkin, Cray Inc.
  • HopperIntro.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Hopper: XT5 at NERSC, Katie Antypas, NERSC User Sevices
  • KrakenOverview5.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Overview of Kraken, Daniel Lucio, National Institute for Computational Science
  • CAFUPC.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    RE-Introduction to One-Sided communication: PGAS Languages: Coarrays in Fortran 2008 and UPC - Nathan Wichmann, Cray, Inc.
  • OLCFQuickOverviewofOLCF-1.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    High Performance Computing at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, Don Frederick, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility
  • AMDMultiCoreCrayNersc020110.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    AMD Opteron TM Multicore, Pay Conway & Brian Waldecker, AMD, Inc.
  • CrayCompiler.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    The Cray Compiler Environment, Nathan Wichmann, Cray, Inc.
  • PGI-2010-NERSC.02.2010.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    PGI 2010 Compilers and Tools, Dave Norton, The Portland Group
  • larkin-optimization-20100202.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Cray XT Porting, Scaling, and Optimization Best Practices, Jeff Larkin, Cray, Inc.
  • productivity.xtworkshopfeb2010.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Cray HPCS Productivity Features, Margaret Cahir, Cray, Inc.
  • RunningJobs.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Submitting and Running Jobs on the Cray XT5, Richard Gerber, NERSC
  • 1002+CrayTools-NERSC.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Performance Measurement and Visualization on the Cray XT, Luis DeRose, Cray, Inc.
  • MPI-Tips-rgb.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Using Cray MPI: Tips for Development on the Cray XT5, Glenn Brook, U. of Tennessee & National Institute for Computational Science