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Office of Patent Information Management

The Office of Patent Information Management (OPIM) manages the development and implementation of technology systems, tools, and information resources for Patents.  This includes developing program requirements for automated systems relating to domestic and international patent information technology systems.  OPIM also provides an extensive array of Patents information services including stakeholder support. OPIM has five operating areas that maintain responsibility for developing and implementing new and enhanced automation technologies, processes, and programs designed to improve patent business practices. 

This office is comprised of six offices: the Office of Patent Information Resources, the Office of Patent Classification, the Scientific and Technical Information Center, the Office of Data Management, the Office of Patent Automation and the Office of Patent Processing Services.

Office of Patent Information Resources

The Office of Patent Information Resources (OPIR) improves examiner effectiveness through automation training, coordination of Patents Telework programs, development of informative Patents web and SharePoint sites, implementation of outreach communications initiatives, production of multimedia audio/video products, and ensures webcast distribution and presentation.

Office of Patent Classification

The Office of Patent Classification (OPC) maintains the U.S. Patent Classification system, which is used by patent examiners for prior art searches. The system is also used by patent attorneys and agents, people involved in research and development, the patrons of the Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) system and others.

Further information on the Office of Patent Classification

Scientific and Technical Information Center

The Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC) enhances patents quality and examiner effectiveness through search, information services, and automation training.  STIC also offers search instruction, patents search strategy assistance, foreign patents searching, translations and commercial database training to the public.

 Further information on the Scientific and Technical Information Center

Office of Data Management

The Office of Data Management (ODM) manages the processing and data capture of allowed patent applications, assembles and mails patent grants and prepares Certificates of Correction.  ODM is also responsible for the production of weekly text searchable and image databases of issued Patents and Pre-Grant Application Publications used by the USPTO and the Intellectual Property community. ODM responsibilities also include the creation of the eOG:P or the Electronic Patent Official Gazette.

Further information on the Office of Data Management

Office of Patent Automation

The Office of Patent Automation (OPA) provides program and project management over all Patent automation programs and initiatives. OPA has oversight of key functional areas to quickly address new Patent initiatives and expand current programs to meet changing business conditions and user requirements. OPA also monitors, maintains, and enhances automation products to improve performance in direct response to user needs and patent business practices.

Office of Patent Processing Services

The Office of Patent Processing Services (OPPS) facilitates the collection, storage, security and integrity of electronic data and the effective integration of technology to provide high quality patent data products and services.


United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/9/2012 5:26:15 PM