NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

23 Sep. 2011

Key NATO policy on stabilisation and reconstruction released to the public

Increasing cooperation with international partners in preventing crises, managing conflicts and stabilising post-conflict situations is at the heart of NATO’s new strategic concept.

In a move to enhancing transparency and effectiveness of its work with other national, regional and international counterparts, the North Atlantic Council, on 23 September 2011, authorised the declassification and the release of the NATO political guidance on ways to improve its involvement in stabilisation and reconstruction.

The guidance was officially approved by NATO Defence Ministers in October 2010. It sets out the principles, based on which NATO can plan for, employ, and coordinate civilian and military crisis management capabilities that nations provide for Alliance missions.

It seeks to reach unity of effort with those other members of the international community who hold primary responsibility for stabilisation and reconstruction activities, and with whom NATO has to cooperate when conducting its own operations.

Sharing the Alliance’s vision of its role in stabilisation and reconstruction will help other potential partners in crisis management to have a better understanding of NATO’s aims in this field, thereby achieving greater complementarity and mutual trust.