News Room

Pelosi Announces Democratic Members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence

January 25, 2011

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today announced the Democratic Members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, naming Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland as the committee’s Ranking Member.

“Our first responsibility is to protect the American people.  Central to fulfilling that task is providing our intelligence professionals with the tools and support to do their jobs and ensure our national security,” Leader Pelosi said.  “As a longtime Member of the Intelligence Committee and representing the district that houses the NSA, Congressman Ruppersberger brings years of experience to his new role – and he will be a strong voice for our safety in the 112th Congress.”

“I want to ensure that our men and women in the intelligence community have the resources to keep our country safe, even in an era of tight budgets,” Congressman Ruppersberger said.  “I also want to ensure proper Congressional oversight for our intelligence agencies, and I look forward to using my expertise as Chairman of the Technical and Tactical Intelligence Subcommittee to maintain the strength of our intelligence capability.”

In addition to Congressman Ruppersberger, Leader Pelosi announced the following Democratic Members of the Intelligence Committee:

                                The Honorable Mike Thompson of California
                                The Honorable Janice D. Schakowsky of Illinois
                                The Honorable James R. Langevin of Rhode Island
                                The Honorable Adam B. Schiff of California
                                The Honorable Dan Boren of Oklahoma
                                The Honorable Luis V. Gutierrez of Illinois
                                The Honorable Ben Chandler of Kentucky