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Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis
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Photo Gallery: Women’s Bureau Co-sponsors Equal Pay Day Event in Atlanta
(April 12, 2011)

Images include:

  • Women’s Bureau Regional Administrator Paulette Norvel Lewis welcomes audience to Equal Pay Day event at Georgia State University Library’s Women’s Archives
  • 9to5 Organizing Director Cindia Cameron talks to the audience about the impact that pay inequity has on households.
  • As part of the presentation, audience viewed a video interview with Lorena Weeks, whose efforts to advance in a male-only occupation at Southern Bell resulted in a 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruling in Weeks v. Southern Bell that the weight limitation rule for women violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
  • Terri Dandy, EEOC’s Atlanta District Outreach Manager, talks to group about sex discrimination complaints and her agency’s efforts to resolve disputes.
  • Introduction to an EEOC PowerPoint presentation on sex discrimination.
  • Keynote speaker Stephanie Davis, Executive Director of Women for a Change, stresses the importance of achieving legislation at the state level to improve opportunities for women.