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Helping Build Communities

DCA provides a variety of community development programs to help the state's communities realize their growth and development goals.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) | Downtown Development
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) | Volunteerism | Regionalism | Community Initiatives

Enabling Economic Development

DCA offers a variety of economic development incentives and tools designed to help promote growth and job creation throughout the state.
Financing | Tax Credits | Development Tools | State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)

Promoting Housing Options

DCA helps put all Georgia's citizens in decent housing through a range of programs designed to foster new housing development, homeownership, and improved housing choices. Learn more about the Housing Choice Voucher program Waiting List Openings.
Homeownership | Rental Assistance | Housing Development | Homeless & Special Needs | HomeSafe Georgia | Landlord Tenant Handbook

Fostering Sustainable Development

DCA promotes sustainability, environmental protection, and enhanced quality of life by encouraging local implementation of generally accepted best growth and development practices.

Planning and Environmental Management | Construction Codes | Research

American Recovery and Re-Investment Act (ARRA)

ARRA Program Description


Temporary Mortgage Payment Assistance

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