New Partners

DCA borrower, John Warugaba's mattress and cake making business in Mbarara, Uganda
DCA borrower, John Warugaba's mattress and cake making business in Mbarara, Uganda
Morgana Wingard

Strategic partnerships are the cornerstone of our work. This page is for new partners that have little to no experience working with the Agency and would like to learn more about how to do so.

The tools here are intended to help you:

  • Identify potential opportunities for partnership with USAID
  • Understand the Agency's various funding mechanisms
  • Put together proposals and budgets
  • Understand the evaluation process

USAID is also leading a major effort in procurement reform to improve aid effectiveness and sustainability. Two main objectives are:

  • Increasing competition by expanding the U.S. partner base
  • Strengthening and building local capacity of partner organizations overseas 

Whether you are a small U.S.-based non-governmental organization (NGO), local community-based organization, faith-based organization (FBO), Minority Serving Institution (MSI), corporation, or small business, you can play a role in USAID projects around the world.

Contact us at for more information.

Frontiers in Development
5th Birthday
Last updated: June 21, 2012