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Performance & Accountability
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"Did You Know?"  Facts about USAID

USAID currently has nearly 8,000 employees worldwide, which is half the number the agency had at its peak in the 1970s.

The FY 2011 foreign assistance (USAID and State) budget request is just 1.4% of the budget for the entire Federal government.

A USAID-funded scientist, Gebisa Ejeta, won the 2009 World Food Prize for developing drought and striga resistant sorghum.

In 2009 PEPFAR directly supported prevention of mother-to-child transmission programs that allowed nearly 100,000 babies of HIV-positive mothers to be born HIV-free.

The first woman to win the Nobel Prize for economics, Elinor Ostrom, credits USAID with launching her career in development research.

In 2010, a USAID-supported study provided the first-ever proof that the use of an antiretroviral-based microbicide gel (1% Tenofovir) can significantly reduce the risk of HIV infection in women.

Annual Performance Report

Photo showing the cover of the FY 2011 Annual Performance Report - Click to download
Click here to download the FY 2011 Annual Performance Report and FY 2013 Performance Plan.
(PDF, 1.4Mb)

The Annual Performance Report presents a detailed assessment of Agency performance against annual targets for a representative set of foreign assistance indicators. The report also includes the Annual Performance Plan, which sets a performance target for the upcoming year and a preliminary target for the following year. Together with the Agency Financial Report and the Summary of Performance and Financial Information, this report fulfills the Agency's compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act reporting requirements. Since FY 2007, the APR has been incorporated into the Foreign Operations Congressional Budget Justification along with the Annual Performance Plan. For past USAID Performance and Accountability reports, including Annual Performance Reports, see the Agency Performance menu below and to the right.

Past Annual Performance Reports

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