Energy Department Offers $1 Million for Hydrogen Fuel Technology

October 10, 2012

The Energy Department on October 5 announced new funding to evaluate the most promising technology paths toward achieving achieving $2 to $4-per-gallon equivalent of hydrogen by 2020. The funding will assist in the Department's broader efforts to give drivers and businesses more options and to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil.

To help meet this aggressive goal by 2020, the projects selected through this program will help identify cost-effective materials and processes to produce hydrogen from renewable energy sources and natural gas. Researchers will also analyze production and delivery technologies to identify key technical challenges and priorities; they will also continue to evaluate technical progress and hydrogen cost status. This effort will include annual analyses of key technology challenges using the Energy Department's hydrogen analysis models in addition to other industry tools. Applications are due by November 8, 2012. See the Energy Department Progress Alert.