2007 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

Highest Achievement Awards

Three special awards were presented to exemplary projects that rose above the rest, receiving the highest scores from the evaluation panel. FEMP expressed appreciation for these efforts by presenting an additional team award to three groups.

Gold Award

United States Air Force
Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico

Silver Award

Department of Veterans Affairs
Bay Pines National Veteran's Cemetery
Bay Pines, Florida

Bronze Award

Department of the Army
Fort Knox, Kentucky

Water Conservations Awards to Organizations

United States Air Force
92nd Civil Engineer Squadron

Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington

The engineering team at Fairchild Air Force Base is working hard to institute a comprehensive water planning, management, leak detection, and repair program. Over several years, water use was painstakingly analyzed from monthly manual meter readings. The study indicated a 15 percent leakage rate, corresponding to about 1.3 million gallons lost per day. The team investigated and began implementing ten energy measures to reduce the leakage rate on base, including distribution system audits and repairs, installation of water-efficient restroom equipment, replacement of boiler and steam systems, and public education. As of FY 2006, six of the measures have been fully implemented, including completing all replacements and repairs to the water distribution system. The team's efforts have resulted in a 27 percent reduction in water use over several years, when comparing the FY 2004-2006 period to FY 1999-2003. The base is estimating an additional 13 percent reduction this year, and the unaccounted-for-water now totals only 3 percent of all water used by the base.

Department of Veterans Affairs
Bay Pines National Veteran's Cemetery

Bay Pines, Florida

The Bay Pines National Veteran's Cemetery implemented an innovative project using horizontal drilled wells to recover the shallow groundwater under the burial area to be used for turf irrigation. Prior to the project, the cemetery irrigated every 3 days with City of Tampa potable water, requiring approximately 45,000 gallons valued at $2,000 to maintain an acceptable appearance. The new system uses 15 shallow horizontal wells pumping into an irrigation pond for storage. The stored water is used for irrigation, and the water that soaks into the shallow groundwater beneath the cemetery is now recaptured and used to re-irrigate the cemetery. The well pumps are activated as the storage pond water level drops. This system has reduced potable water use by 75 percent, saving 4 million gallons of water and $120,000 per year. The initial cost of the $240,000 system has already been recovered after only two years. An additional benefit, reusing the water reduces the fertilizer and pesticides required, as those dissolved in the water are re-circulated in subsequent watering cycles. This also reduces or prevents their introduction into the aquifer and local waterways through runoff.

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Water Conservations Awards to Small Groups

William Jones
Lawrence Karbowski
Patrick Montano
Mark Plumley
Clifford Richardson
United States Air Force

Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico

In FY 2006 Kirtland Air Force Base awarded a contract to perform a 108-mile water distribution leak detection survey. Thirty-one leaks were identified and repaired that are estimated to save almost 175 million gallons of water per year—about 16 percent of Kirtland's total water use in FY 2006. These savings are valued at more than $328,000 if purchased by the City of Albuquerque. Leak detection devices and programming equipment will now enable base maintenance personnel to find areas where leaks may develop in the future. Kirtland was able to modify their water and sewer contract with the City by 53 percent to reflect the reduction in sewer flow through this reduced water use that will save almost 454 million gallons and an additional $350,000 per year. Installation of a computerized Landscape Master Control System on 27.5 acres to control irrigation, runoff, and leaks has the potential to save more than 11 million additional gallons per year.

Shawn Church
James Cipollone
Roger Kiker
Troy Lovell
Robert Still
United States Air Force

Randolph Air Force Base, Texas

Due to drought conditions in 2006, Randolph Air Force Base implemented several reduction strategies, including a major infrastructure upgrade replacing 32,000 feet of water mains, sound grounds management techniques, public awareness campaigns, and the installation of a fully automatic meter reading (AMR) system. The AMR system allows personnel to read all water meters on the base within 30 minutes using radio frequency technology, and is equipped with hourly consumption data and continuous automatic leak detection. In FY 2006, the system identified 3.5 million gallons due to leaks within housing, saving almost $50,000 alone. The savings from both the reduced utility costs and avoided labor hours required to manually read meters has resulted in a payback of 2.3 years for this $113,000 investment. Additionally, Randolph now has baseline data to support measurement and verification calculations for the implementation of cost effective life-cycle projects and successful energy savings performance contracts. The metering system and other projects reduced Randolph's total water consumption in FY 2006 by more than 6 percent and save almost $171,000 from the previous year.

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Renewable Energy Awards to Organizations

Department of the Army
Fort Knox, Kentucky

The Fort Knox energy team has developed a model energy management program by implementing projects through utility energy services contracts (UESC) and using no new tax dollars. Through this program, the team renovated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) in a barracks complex consisting of 12 facilities making up 376,000 square feet of conditioned space. The project replaces three inefficient, centralized high-pressure, high-temperature hot water systems with ground coupled heat pumps. These buildings were also modernized with wireless automated ventilation systems to improve indoor air quality. This project, combined with installation of other energy efficient technologies at the base including high-efficiency lighting and exit signs, infrared heating, cool insulated roofs, photovoltaics, and solar domestic water heating, reduced natural gas use in FY 2006 by almost 65 billion Btu—6 percent from the previous year and 27 percent since FY 2003. This is equivalent to the energy needed to power about 680 homes and replace more than 12,000 barrels of oil.

Department of Energy
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico

Building 833 at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico had one of the last tar-and-gravel roofs on site. In FY 2006, when the building was scheduled to be re-roofed, Sandia's energy management team capitalized on an excellent opportunity to not only install an Energy Star® roof, but to also integrate a cutting-edge photovoltaic (PV) system into the roof itself. The new roof has an insulation value of R-30 and generates an average of 3.2 kilowatts of power for the building—enough for about one to three average homes in Albuquerque. The project established that the combination of the Energy Star membrane and building integrated PV (BIVP) improves upon the current roofing sustainable principles applied at Sandia, so the team performed a building and rooftop study to determine BIPV integration for the entire site. The study shows that integrating BIPV into 50 percent of the rooftops at Sandia, New Mexico would realize potential savings of almost 56 Gigawatt-hours per year, or nearly 35 percent of their total annual energy consumption.

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Renewable Energy Award to a Small Group

Jeff Allen
Bruce Delling
Rodney Frazier
Charles Howell
Troy Strand
United States Marine Corps

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California

The team at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton continues to develop photovoltaic, solar thermal, solar daylighting, ground source heat pump, and fuel cell capabilities at the base. In FY 2006, the team worked to install five photovoltaic (PV) rooftop arrays totaling more than 104 kilowatts (kW). A 14 kW PV/solar thermal hybrid system was installed on a pool shade structure, offsetting both natural gas and electricity use for the swim complex. Camp Pendleton also installed 135 stand-alone solar powered street lights and warning flashers totaling 32 kW. These on-site generation projects completed in FY 2006 alone are helping the base save almost $108,000 per year, and helped to achieve an 11.6 percent energy reduction from the FY 2003 baseline. Combined with earlier projects, Camp Pendleton's total PV capacity generates more than 339 KW, and two additional PV systems and 19 more streetlights in the design phase will bring this total to 424 kW in FY 2008.

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Renewable Energy Awards to Individuals

Kenneth Davis
United States Air Force

Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming

As part of its ongoing efforts to meet green energy requirements, the F.E. Warren Air Force Base Design Office, led by Kenneth Davis, took action to determine the feasibility of harnessing the wind resources of the Wyoming high plains. Mr. Davis directed every stage of project development, from obtaining wind resource data to verifying the viability of wind power generation to securing design and construction funding to turbine and site selection. His leadership resulted in the first Air Force wind turbine generator installation in the continental United States and the only application of current generation wind technology on a federal installation. The 660 kilowatt grid-connected turbines generate enough electricity each day to power more than 500 households. The installation reduced the base electrical consumption by more than 3 million kilowatt-hours in FY 2006. The Air Force estimates the wind turbines will displace more than 134 million pounds of greenhouse gases over the next 20 years, equivalent to the carbon dioxide absorbed by 670 acres of trees or avoiding driving 161 million miles on the roads of the Rocky Mountain Region.

Trent Duncan
Department of the Interior

Bureau of Land Management - Utah State Office
Salt Lake City, Utah

During FY 2006, the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry Visitor Center went through a major renovation that comprised approximately 16 percent of the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) annual construction budget. Trent Duncan led this effort, managing the planning, design, and installation of energy management technologies such as compact fluorescent lighting with occupancy sensors, a high-efficiency evaporative cooler, a 3.7 kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system, and other sustainable features that together result in savings of more than $24,000 per year in fuel costs and a 99 percent reduction in hydrocarbons used by the facility. He personally designed, installed, tested, and operated the PV system and other energy saving features, resulting in additional savings to the BLM of more than $60,000 in contracting costs. Mr. Duncan has applied his experience and leadership in developing and implementing renewable energy resources by mentoring others throughout the BLM in the development and application of their own renewable energy systems.

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Energy Security and Reliability Award to a Small Group

Lance Clay
Kelly Jordan
Chuck Kirking
Sherrie Nymeyer
Ron Trepanier
United States Air Force

Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas

In 2004, Goodfellow Air Force Base initiated a unique and remarkable design—a massive chilled water loop that connects nine high security intelligence training facility cooling systems. The Team at Goodfellow utilized an energy savings performance contract with Siemens Building Technologies Corp. to construct the loop that now supports more than 500,000 square feet of classroom and office spaces. The new system harnesses the maximum cooling capacities of 15 existing chillers using the base energy management control system, creating a demand-regulated virtual chiller plant. Running all facilities from the chilled water loop allows the system to operate a minimum number of chillers at any given time to satisfy total cooling demand. This design also provides the flexibility of running each facility separately, if needed. The virtual chiller plant was completed in October 2006 at one tenth the cost of constructing a new $10 million conventional chiller plant and distribution system, with a negotiated guaranteed utility savings of approximately $117,000 annually.

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Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Organizations

United States Air Force
3rd Civil Engineer Squadron

Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska

Elemendorf Air Force Base, Alaska is leading the Air Force in energy savings thanks to the efforts of the 3rd Civil Engineer Squadron and its strategy of a base-wide distributed heating system. Using the largest energy savings performance contract in Air Force history, the base replaced an inefficient 1950s-vintage central heat and power plant with a network of 233 distributed boilers in 125 buildings. After the first year of operation, the heating system is exceeding expectations with energy savings of more than 2 trillion Btu in FY 2006—93 percent above the contract guaranteed savings. This equates to a 63 percent reduction in base energy use that actually cut more than 2 percent from the total energy consumption of the Air Force. The elimination of the power plant also saves more than 70 million gallons of water annually by doing away with enormous condensate losses. In addition, Elmendorf's utility bill decreased by more than $2 million the year after project implementation.

United States Air Force
82nd Civil Engineer Squadron

Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas

The 82nd Civil Engineer Squadron at Sheppard Air Force Base led a base-wide, no cost load reduction program from April 2006 to October 2006 to reduce energy consumption during times of peak air conditioning use. This effort was especially critical in FY 2006 due to a 43 percent increase in electricity rates and a 19 percent increase in cooling degree days as compared to the previous year. The program turned off 50 percent of Sheppard's lighting while identifying 20 high energy-using facilities. Sheppard then audited these facilities, recommending additional no cost conservation measures for those facilities eligible to adjust their lighting and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning requirements. Strong employee participation made the program highly successful, with the high energy facilities meeting their reduction goals for the remainder of the season. Demand was reduced by 10 percent per month, saving more than 13.4 billion Btu and approximately $360,000 in energy costs—all accomplished at no cost to the American taxpayer.

Department of the Navy
Fleet Readiness Center Southwest

San Diego, California

Naval Air Depot North Island (now Fleet Readiness Center Southwest) completed eight projects in FY 2006 that contributed to energy savings at the site. A compressed air system retrofit, central plant retrofit, and chilled water system retrofit resulted in a combined savings of $458,000 and more than 10 billion Btu. The site also installed compressed-air upgrade reduction devices and meters with scheduled operation valves, repaired leaks, and replaced disconnects, filters, and hoses. The new compressed air isolation valves and controls were integrated into the site's command-wide direct digital controls system. High-efficiency chillers and compressor technology was used to upgrade and optimize their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for improved efficiency and extended operating life. These projects reduced annual energy use by more than 9 percent and saved 31 billion Btu in FY 2006 compared to the FY 03 baseline. The site saved almost $516,000 in energy costs and 13 billion Btu from the previous year.

Department of the Navy
Naval Base Coronado

San Diego, California

In FY 2006, Naval Base Coronado implemented $980,000 in projects and 17 activity-funded initiatives that together saved more than $521,000 in energy costs. An innovative building tune-up program optimized systems in three facilities, programmed chiller setbacks in six buildings, installed six PlugMisers on video game machines, and checked 21 heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units. A $1.5 million xeriscape project will landscape 68,000 square feet with water-efficient plants and bring additional housing areas under central irrigation control. The base had 100 ultra low flow showerheads installed for free that will save more than $85,000 annually in water and wastewater costs. Coronado also executed several projects using renewable and new energy technologies including a 58 kilowatt photovoltaic carport, digital photocell controls with setback timers, solar-powered light-emitting diode (LED) message boards, and LED pier walkway ramp lights. The projects in total resulted in a 5.4 percent reduction in energy consumption from FY 2005 and a 22 percent reduction from the FY 2003 baseline.

Department of the Navy
Naval Base Point Loma

San Diego, California

In FY 2006, the two-person energy management team at Naval Base Point Loma executed more than 20 projects, including many activity-funded initiatives at no cost. For example, widespread use of an innovative building tune-up program optimized heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and controls at several buildings, with electricity savings of more than $150,000. A comprehensive Bachelors Quarters consolidation effort enabled the base to temporarily close two large facilities until manning requirements necessitate reopening, saving more than $20,000 per year. Three boiler replacements and six elevator system upgrades to high efficient systems will save an additional $80,000 per year. Point Loma also installed a 30 kilowatt (kW) grid connected photovoltaic array and obtained funding for a new 60 kW waterfront PV carport to be installed in FY 2007. A pilot project to reduce irrigation and grounds maintenance costs converted a high visibility area of lawn to synthetic turf, saving more than $5,000 per year in water costs. Together these and other projects saved more than $600,000 in FY 2006 and pushed energy consumption to 10.3 percent below the FY 2003 baseline.

Department of the Navy
Naval Base San Diego

San Diego, California

Naval Base San Diego has made solid efforts to lower its energy consumption by implementing a steady stream of projects and activity-funded initiatives. The base invested $1.5 million on lighting upgrades and a compressor installation to save $362,000 per year. A newly completed phase of the lighting project improves lighting levels by 75 percent and saves more than $75,000 annually. The base also spent $182,000 on activity-funded initiatives that save another $363,000 per year, including chiller and pump replacements and lighting upgrades. Another initiative removed 135 personal refrigerators and 75 window air conditioning units, and a free program funded by the California Public Utilities Commission tuned up more than 220 packaged air conditioning units. Other no-cost efforts involved gas bill corrections, building shutdowns, reduced lighting, and Resource Efficiency Manager and Building Monitor load reduction efforts. Together, these projects reduced base energy consumption to more than 5 percent below the FY 2003 baseline.

Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Midwest

Great Lakes, Illinois

In FY 2006 the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Midwest completed a $35 million cogeneration project, accomplished as part of a nine-phase utility energy services contract. The project included removal and demolition of three antiquated boilers and the installation of two new gas turbine generators, each capable of producing 5.5 megawatts (MW) of electricity. The turbine generators utilize heat recovery steam generators to produce 40,000 lbs/hr of steam. Duct burners produce another 10,000 lbs/hr, for a total of 50,000 lbs/hr of steam for each system. Two diesel generators were also installed for turbine back up, each capable of producing 2 MW of electricity. The updated systems are capable of using natural gas or #2 fuel oil. The conversion also updated the fuel oil type, delivery, storage, and transfer system to provide for a more easily available and economical fuel source with reduced air emissions. The project achieved annual cost savings of $3.5 million and energy savings of 325 billion Btu in FY 2006.

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Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Small Groups

Carlo Facciolla
David Osborn
Jay Richter
Charles Swynenberg
James Thompson
Department of the Army

Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois

The engineering team at Rock Island Arsenal Garrison implemented a two-phased project to replace six steam absorption chillers with high efficiency electric centrifugal chillers. The project included installing the 600-ton chillers, replacing cooling towers, upgrading large electric service, installing electric meters, and reconfiguring chilled water piping loops and steam lines. The project significantly reduced steam load, resulting in a permanent change in operations—the summer shutdown of the central steam plant. The shutdown allowed for the time and staff needed to perform critical repairs that improved the reliability, efficiency, and sustainability of the heating plant. Natural gas-fired boilers were also installed to cover summer industrial steam loads. These projects caused the greatest impact of all energy reduction efforts to date at the base, including cost savings of more than $1 million in FY 2006 and a decrease in energy use of almost 9 percent from FY 2005.

Michael Griffith
Dominic Pafundi
Bill McMullen
Steven Sommer
Timothy Wisner
General Services Administration

Matthew Perry Federal Courthouse Retro-Commissioning Project
Columbia, South Carolina

This team took advantage of a unique opportunity to help the General Services Administration (GSA) achieve its energy reduction goals. The 213,000 square-foot Mathew Perry Federal Courthouse, a 2003 addition to the GSA inventory, represents design strategies of the late 1900s. To reduce humidity problems and high energy use, the engineering team initiated a holistic retro-commissioning effort, evaluating the energy saving merits of various strategies including GSA's emerging Web-based automation/tracking/trending system. Key results included initiating free air side economizer operations; optimizing operation of cooling/heating air handling units; improving facility exhaust and air changes; correcting facility envelope pressure inadequacies; optimizing automation control strategies; reducing unoccupied mode energy load; and optimizing chilled water temperature control to better utilize existing equipment. As a result, building energy consumption dropped more than 29 percent in FY 2006 compared to the previous year. Energy reductions equal 6.5 billion Btu, enough to power 57 homes each year—all accomplished without equipment retrofit or replacement investment.

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Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Individuals

Todd Michael
Department of Agriculture

Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Region
Golden, Colorado

Todd Michael, the only mechanical/electrical engineer in the Forest Service's (FS) Rocky Mountain Region, is responsible for multiple design projects that encompass twelve national forests and four states. He is the chairperson for the Region Two Energy Management Team, where he was instrumental in the development of an energy management strategy that will likely be adopted as FS directive at the national level. The Team also accomplished the Region's first large scale purchase of renewable energy credits. Mr. Michael is an integral part of the Region Two Office "Green Team," implementing practices such as de-lamping overhead lights and installing vending misers to save 350 million Btu in FY 2006. The first FS employee to become a LEED certified professional, he was a key designer of the Bessey Ranger District and Nursery Office—the first LEED-certified building in the region. This sustainable building saves 48 percent in energy and 40 percent in water costs below the baseline.

Phil Beste
Department of the Navy

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport
Keyport, Washington

As the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport Energy Manager since 1995, Phil Beste has led the division's energy program to become one of the Navy's most consistently successful awareness and consumption reduction programs. Under his leadership, efficiency is considered in all facets of facilities and project planning. In FY 2006, Keyport executed more than $2.1 million in new projects expected to save more than $319,000 annually. Projects include industrial facilities energy improvements; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrades; window and boiler replacements; air compressor replacements; and steam line repairs. Keyport also embarked on 24 separate activity-funded initiatives that include new boilers, lighting retrofits, chiller and HVAC repairs and replacements, new insulation, and installation of low flow water fixtures, saving an additional $91,500 per year. These efforts, combined with a strong awareness program that involves all personnel, have brought the installation's progress in FY 2006 to more than 5 percent below the FY 2003 baseline.

Robert Munday
Department of the Navy

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division (NSWCCD)
West Bethesda, Maryland

Robert Munday has worked at the NSWCCD West Bethesda site for 27 years. He currently runs the energy management program, making sure everything from a leaky pipe to a design flaw is fixed to improve energy efficiency. In FY 2006, Mr. Munday spearheaded $2.4 million in projects that included a chiller replacement; central steam plant optimization and repairs; steam trap replacements; steam and condensate line insulation, replacement, and repair; and direct digital controls (DCC) installation. In particular, Mr. Munday excels in managing the DDC systems that monitor and control energy consumption at 18 major buildings on the site, checking the systems two to three times a day and writing new programs or algorithms as needed. His constant and careful monitoring of these systems yielded annual savings of $155,000 alone. Eight projects, along with three activity-funded initiatives, completed in FY 2006 will save more than $700,000 annually and reduce energy use by more than 9 percent below the 2003 baseline.

Dianne Shoaf
United States Postal Service

Southeast Area
Orlando, Florida

Dianne Shoaf, United States Postal Service (USPS) Southeast Area Energy Program Coordinator, has provided leadership, program management, and oversight in implementing USPS's Central Florida District Energy Program, installing energy conservation opportunities at 229 USPS facilities. In FY 2006, the latest phase of the multi-year program completed projects at 151 of these facilities, including energy audits, a comprehensive lighting retrofit, LED exit signs installation, a chiller plant upgrade, air conditioning unit replacements, programmable thermostats, and back-up power generation. Together, projects in FY 2006 reduced energy consumption by more than 25 percent from the previous year and saved more than $500,000. Moreover, based on Ms. Shoaf's successes in Florida, USPS headquarters has solicited her experience in planning for expansion of the program nationally. She assisted in developing project management and scope requirements, designing an energy management handbook, drafting management instructions, and updating the USPS Building Design Standards to include energy conservation considerations.

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Exceptional Service Awards to Individuals

Steven Dorer
Environmental Protection Agency

National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
Ann Arbor, Michigan

As facility manager at the Environmental Protection Agency's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL), Steven Dorer has provided exceptional service and leadership in energy and environmental management. Fuel and emissions testing performed on mobile pollution sources at NVFEL makes it EPA's fourth most energy-intensive facility, accounting for 4.5 percent of the agency's reported energy use in FY 2006. In addition to making daily contact with NVFEL staff to ensure energy-saving measures—such as turning off lights and machinery during off-peak hours—are carried out properly, Mr. Dorer led the laboratory in implementing a number of key energy-saving initiatives in FY 2006. Fuel use was reduced by lowering hot water loop temperatures and raising chilled water temperatures to meet the building's minimum requirements. Mr. Dorer also asked the onsite contractor to provide trend analyses of the facility's evening energy use, following up with staff each day to ensure that used energy at night is intentional and necessary. These initiatives helped NVFEL reduce annual energy use by 24 percent compared to FY 2005—the largest savings of all EPA facilities—and saved more than $180,000 in FY 2006. NVFEL's water consumption also dropped more than 2.5 million gallons, or 26 percent, compared to FY 2005.

Greg Leifer
Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health
Rockville, Maryland

As the energy engineer for the National Institutes of Health since 2001, Greg Leifer has made significant contributions to conservation of energy and water. Mr. Leifer coordinated an aggressive and comprehensive energy conservation program for existing facilities that includes audits to determine savings opportunities, and subsequent contracting, construction, and retrofit activities, to install identified cost-effective energy, water, and cost-saving measures. He has been directly and solely responsible for the study and implementation of 15 separate energy and water efficiency projects addressing more than 5 million square feet of space on campus to date. Such projects include installation of high efficiency lighting and control systems; high efficiency electric motors; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning technologies; steam and condensate-saving technologies; domestic and process water conserving technologies; direct digital control systems; and utility metering measures. The energy program also installed a central utility metering system, electrical system monitoring, and steam trap monitoring that allow NIH to review energy and water consumption data at the building level in real time and historically. Two of these systems were put into operation prior to the existence of current federal mandates. Together, projects installed under Mr. Leifer's leadership are estimated to have resulted in annual cost savings of nearly $5 million annually.

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