2003 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

Water Conservation Awards to Organizations

United States Air Force
15th Civil Engineer Squadron

Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii

Undertaking a comprehensive approach to water conservation and management, Hickam Air Force Base serves as a model for other military bases and Federal sites around the world. The 15th Civil Engineer Squadron has been extremely active in their efforts to reduce water use, improve infrastructure, and educate residents and the general public. The successes of their many initiatives have resulted in more than $800,000 in savings from avoided water and sewer charges. Among the many projects implemented was an aggressive approach to managing irrigated landscaping on Hickam. By adjusting irrigation system operations, repairing an aging water distribution system, and implementing xeriscaping, Hickam has achieved an impressive 10 percent reduction in overall water consumption. As good stewards of the Base, the 15th Civil Engineer Squadron plans to continue making reductions so that pure potable water can be enjoyed by all, and funds can be applied to vital mission requirements, rather than wasted on unnecessary utility expenses.

United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Camp Butler

By locating and repairing hard-to-find leaks under pavement, Marine Corps Base Butler reduced water use by 22 percent in the Plaza Housing area and 46 percent in Headquarters area. During FY 2002 Camp Butler, and the entire island of Okinawa, was facing possible water rationing due to lack of precipitation and low water reservoir conditions. To alleviate this problem, a Leak Detection Team identified numerous leaks in the water distribution system. As leaks were detected, a maintenance crew used heavy equipment to remove soil, pavement, and sidewalks for visual verification and subsequent repair. The expedient manner in which the Team planned and executed the leak survey and repair work was carried out so that occupants suffered very few water outages. The proactive efforts of this water conservation project made water resources available for critical base activities without increasing total water use. Annual water/sewer savings at Camp Butler are estimated to be $123,000.

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Water Conservation Award to a Small Group

Tom Denslow
Deborah A. McGrath
Ronald G. Miller
Dwain Wadlington
United States Air Force
Effluent Water Project

Dyess Air Force Base, Texas

Using an energy saving performance contract (ESPC), Dyess Air Force Base implemented more than $3 million in improvements to the Base infrastructure. The Effluent Water Project Team conceived and installed a new effluent water delivery system for irrigation at the Base. Using the ESPC, a pair of 11 million-gallon reservoirs were added, including two pumping stations and more than three miles of piping. The reservoirs were equipped with aeration fountains to reduce algae growth, and were constructed to meet state environmental standards. This project was particularly important as the Base, as well as the entire west Texas region, have been under extreme drought restrictions for four years. By working with the city of Abilene and local industry, the Team was able to reduce potable water consumption by more than 30 percent, or 160 million gallons annually. This saves more than $300,000 annually and reduces the potable water demands of Abilene by 2 percent.

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Water Conservation Award to an Individual

Michael X. Clawson
Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency
Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida

As Water Systems Engineer at Tyndall Air Force Base, Mr. Clawson has overall responsibility for the entire Air Force Water Conservation Program. His accomplishments during FY 2002 include development of the Air Force Water Conservation Guidebook, which guides bases in implementing water conservation goals mandated by Executive Order 13123. The guidebook simplifies the process of developing a water management plan and evaluating best management practices. By providing assumptions, engineering estimates, formulas, and a methodology, the Guidebook allows bases to complete their water management plan without facility audits or detailed water use information. Mr. Clawson also set up the Air Force Water Conservation Web pages, re-wrote Air Force policy to encourage the use of non-potable water, and gave numerous presentations on water conservation to various Federal agencies and the general public. Since Mr. Clawson took over the Air Force Water Conservation program in 2000, annual Air Force potable water use has been reduced by almost 14 percent, saving more than 7 billion gallons annually.

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Mobility Energy Efficiency Awards to Organizations

Photo of shuttle bus.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Department of Energy
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Livermore, California

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Transportation Systems Management Program (TSMP) develops effective methods to improve traffic-related air quality and to reduce congestion management problems at LLNL's main site, its site in Tracy, California, and in surrounding areas. The TSMP keeps employees informed through electronic media and LLNL's campus newspaper about convenient and cost-effective commuting alternatives such as buses, carpools, and vanpools. Through TSMP, employees discover opportunities to join carpools or vanpools, take public transportation, or ride their bikes to work. TSMP also provides a way to estimate commuter costs with the RIDES Commute Calculator, an interactive computer program available through LLNL's network. LLNL offers incentives for commuters, such as preferential parking for car- and vanpools, whose participants are never left stranded if they miss their ride, thanks to the Guaranteed Ride Home Program. For on-site transportation needs, LLNL offers its own taxi service. Additionally, more than 800 bicycles are available to all employees for getting around the main site. During FY 2002, $655,000 was saved in employee and LLNL fuel costs. Total FY 2002 fuel savings for LLNL and its employees was more than 72 billion Btu.

Department of the Navy
Squadron VT-10
Pensacola, Florida

Training Squadron 10 (VT-10) continued its aggressive energy conservation program during FY 2002 while providing the highest quality training to more than 250 Undergraduate Naval Flight Officers and Air Force Navigators. The VT-10 Team began using an innovative flight scheduling system that combined student training with other flights as much as possible. This eliminated unnecessary flight training hours, and dramatically reduced fuel consumption. Additionally, electricity costs were reduced through energy-efficient lighting upgrades and water conservation measures were implemented throughout VT-10. These efforts resulted in savings of more than $586,000 and 10 billion Btu during FY 2002.

Photo of the crew on U.S. Iwo Jima.


Department of the Navy

During FY 2002 the crew of the USS Iwo Jima adopted an aggressive energy conservation awareness program that led to the implementation of a number of energy-saving projects. More than 1,200 personnel were trained in ways to conserve energy on the USS Iwo Jima when the ship is both in port and underway. The energy-conscious crew identified and repaired water and air leaks, inspected insulation, and shut down unnecessary lighting and ventilation systems. Underway, Iwo Jima now conducts its routine operations with one less boiler and one less generator than the standard. In port, additional savings are realized by securing hot water heaters in troop spaces that are not in use and operating on two instead of three air conditioning units. These efforts resulted in savings of more than $900,000 in diesel fuel and 19 billion Btu.

Department of the Navy

Every crew member on the USS Rainier learns the importance of energy conservation through an aggressive training program. New sailors are taught everyday practices they can employ to save energy, and energy efficiency ideas are encouraged, discussed, and implemented at every level of the chain of command. Throughout FY 2002, the Rainier crew saved water by conducting a Fresh Water Management Campaign; reduced fuel consumption by maintaining the ultimate fuel efficiency possible at varying ship positions; reduced unnecessary lighting and air conditioning use; and enforced numerous energy efficiency strategies while operating at sea and in port. Through their exceptional planning and conservation routines, the Rainier crew was able to save more than $615,000 and 12 billion Btu.

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Alternative Financing Awards to Organizations

Department of the Navy
Great Lakes Naval Station

Great Lakes, Illinois
847-688-4211 ext. 117

Naval Station Great Lakes implemented phase VIII of a utility energy services contract, continuing a long, highly successful partnership with its local utility company. For the contract cost of $5.3 million, the Station is saving $790,000 per year. Phase VIII consists of a wide range of energy improvements, including lighting retrofits, steam pipe and valve insulation, direct digital controls installations, HVAC upgrades, air handler unit installations, hot water heating system replacement, and refrigerator system upgrades on 34 buildings at Naval Station Great Lakes. During FY 2002, these energy improvements reduced the Station's energy consumption by 5.4 percent, saving 61.4 billion Btu annually. The reduced energy consumption translates to fewer pollutants emitted into the air, including 9,893 tons of carbon dioxide, 146 tons of sulfur dioxide, and 52 tons of nitrogen oxide.

United States Marine Corps
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command

Twentynine Palms, California

Twentynine Palms Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command is the largest Marine Corps Base encompassing 932 square miles of open desert in southeastern California, with a population of more than 25,000 military personnel including dependents. Following two years of enduring the California energy crisis, Twentynine Palms "fired back" in the Base's energy war by installing the largest cogeneration plant in the U.S. Marine Corps. The 7 megawatt dual-fueled combined heat and power cogeneration plant will support most of the energy and hot water needs for the Combat Center's Mainside buildings and homes during the winter and a large portion during the summer. The project was financed through an energy savings performance contract with Johnson Controls. Providing thermal load to the Central Heat Plant will increase the plants's efficiency and lower air pollutants. The project will reduce electricity purchases from the local utility company by 185 billion Btu (65 percent), which will save $5.9 million in annual energy costs. Twentynine Palms also replaced five aging absorption chillers with new high efficiency electric rotary-type and centrifugal chillers, increasing comfort and reliability, and changed the operation of domestic water pumps to take advantage of the local utility company's off-peak electric rate structure. This project saved 38 billion Btu (63 percent reduction) and $285,000 in energy and operation and maintenance costs during FY 2002. The cost savings from these projects will go toward additional projects to further the Facilities Management Division's mission to lower energy costs, to be more environmentally friendly, and provide energy security to the base.

United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point

Cherry Point, North Carolina

Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point is home to Headquarters 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing and Headquarters Marine Corps Air Bases East. During FY 2002, Cherry Point began replacing 1,128 conventional air-to-air heat pumps in family housing with geothermal heat pumps using a utility energy service contract with Progressive Energy. Although work did not begin until mid-year and was not completed during FY 2002, the project realized a 5.8 billion Btu reduction in energy consumption (nearly an 8 percent reduction) and more than $83,000 in cost savings, compared to 2001. After project completion, the total savings are estimated to be 51.3 billion Btu and more than $918,000 annually. The reduced energy consumption will eliminate 1,539 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.

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Alternative Financing Awards to Small Groups

Gregory T. Banes
Bernard F. Denno, Jr.
Judith Gray
LT Joseph A. Pica
Sharon L. Walker
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory

Miami, Florida

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded a utility energy services contract for its Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory in Miami, Florida. The project upgraded the building lighting system, replaced HVAC controls, and installed a thermal energy storage system to shift some of the HVAC load to off-peak hours. These energy conservation measures reduced the electric demand by 117 million Btu (39 percent) while making badly needed improvements in the building infrastructure. Annual energy and operations and maintenance savings resulted in almost $46,000.

Photo of the ESPC team.

Energy Savings Performance Contracting Team

Russell Dominy
Christopher Henschel
Darryl Matsui
Donna E. Munyon
Beverly C. Thompson
Department of the Navy
Energy Savings Performance Contracting Team

Port Hueneme, California

The ESPC Team developed and implemented eight major projects throughout the Department of the Navy at Port Hueneme. The projects include the two largest Federal photovoltaic systems in the United States, 13 megawatts of cogeneration and diesel generating capacity, and the Base-wide decentralization of an antiquated steam plant. These projects are economically self-sufficient, financed through reduced energy consumption and reduced operations costs. The ESPC Team awarded $134 million worth of contracts during FY 2002, yielding $43.3 million in life-cycle savings to the Navy after the financing, operations and maintenance, and repair and replacement services are paid from total project savings. Total energy savings for FY 2002 are 592 billion Btu and total cost savings are $18.2 million. ESPC Team members are often invited to make presentations at national conferences, and they are also sitting members on several interagency boards including the DoD/DOE ESPC Steering Committee, Federal ESPC Measurement and Verification Working Group, and Federal ESPC Initiative.

Vista Gifford
John Jarosz
David Meals
Michael C. Okoro
Roger B. Wright
General Services Administration
Northwest/Arctic Region

Auburn, Washington

With utility bills exceeding $650,000 annually, the GSA Northwest/Arctic energy team recognized that the 1970s era Edith Green/Wendell Wyatt Federal Building needed major system repairs and improvements. Through DOE's Super ESPC, the regional energy team accomplished energy conservation improvements that included installation of a new energy management and control system, variable frequency drives, HVAC upgrades, water and sewer improvements, and building commissioning. Through the team's effort, the facility has achieved annual energy savings of more than 6 billion Btu and cost savings of more than $153,000. The water and sewer improvements will save 5,000 cubic feet of water annually. The reduced energy consumption will eliminate 1,377 metric tons of carbon dioxide, 2.7 metric tons of sulfur dioxide, and 4.5 tons of nitrogen oxide annually.

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Alternative Financing Awards to Individuals

Roosevelt T. Allen
United States Postal Service

Memphis, Tennessee

Roosevelt Allen of the United States Postal Service Southeast Area has developed an aggressive five-year energy plan to improve energy efficiency at 3,700 Postal Service facilities. Through Mr. Allen's leadership, an energy profile system was developed to rank the 3,700 Postal facilities in the Area based on energy savings opportunities. Based on the ranking, the Area can allocate resources that range from energy awareness efforts to capital improvement to provide the best return on investment while accomplishing energy conservation objectives. Mr. Allen was instrumental in conducting comprehensive energy audits at these facilities using a priority scheme based on energy savings potential. He also developed a checklist of solution-based approaches for implementing retrofit projects at facilities of less than 5,000 square feet, resulting in $25 million of retrofit projects and a total annual savings of $4 million. For larger facilities, Mr. Allen worked with several energy service companies to award shared energy savings contracts. He is currently managing eight such contracts with a total contract value of $25 million. In addition, Mr. Allen organized an employee awareness campaign and has written several articles about energy and environmental issues in area publications to further promote energy awareness to the 90,000 employees in the Southeast Area.

Photo of Laughlin Air Force Base with inset photos of upgraded equipment and buildings.

Laughlin Air Force Base

Captain Harry W. Jackson
United States Air Force

Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas

Captain Harry Jackson, Deputy Chief of the 47th Civil Engineer Operations Flight at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, rejuvenated the Base energy savings performance contract program to positively impact more than 4,000 active duty members, civilian employees, contractors, and Base residents. Through the Air Force Region 6 ESPC, Captain Jackson garnered more than $380,000 in utility rebates to finance lighting retrofits in 37 facilities; replaced two air conditioning system water chillers; and installed two thermal storage systems—an 800 ton-hour ice system and a 3,150 ton-hour chilled water tank. Captain Jackson also educated senior leaders, squadron commanders, and the Base populous about energy and water conservation by organizing the Base Energy Steering Group, and through briefings at commander's calls, news articles, and his day-to-day contacts on and off Base. FY 2002 savings exceed $238,000 and 10 billion Btu.

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Renewable Energy Awards to Organizations

Photo of photovoltaic paneled carports at Navy Public Works Center with cityscape of San Diego in background.

Navy Public Works Center

Department of the Navy
Navy Public Works Center

San Diego, California

In this ground-breaking project, the Navy Region Southwest, in partnership with the Navy Public Works Center, San Diego, demonstrated the successful implementation of a large-scale renewable energy system using alternative financing. The 750-kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system installed at the Naval Base Coronado is one of the largest PV systems installed by the Federal government, and is among one of the largest PV systems in the world. Consisting of 3,078 modules with more than 664,000 semi-crystalline silicon solar cells, the Base's PV system delivers solar electricity to the Navy electric grid while providing a covered carport structure for more than 400 vehicles. Designed and installed using Super ESPC financing, the solar electric system is expected to produce 1.2 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year and save the Base $228,00 annually in electricity and demand charge expenses. Utility- and state-incentive funds and the Department of Defense's commitment to green power together resulted in a system that will provide about 3 percent of the Naval Base's peak electrical demand during summer months. By replacing fossil-fuel-generated electricity with solar power, the Navy's PV system is expected to yield an annual energy savings of 4.0 billion Btu.

U.S. National Park Service
Mojave National Preserve

Barstow, California

The harsh rugged beauty of California's Mojave National Preserve is the setting for this renewable energy project for the Preserve's Hole-In-The-Wall Wildland Fire Center. Up to 16 firefighters and crew are stationed at the Center's remote (4,500 foot elevation) location to respond to emergencies in the Preserve's vast 1.5 million acres of land. Drawing upon the area's abundant sunlight and a desire to protect the natural quiet of the desert, the National Park Service mobilized to replace the Center's outdated modular facility that relied on diesel power. The newly-constructed fire center and dormitory is a highly functional, energy-efficient, and cost effective structure that harmoniously blends into the desert landscape. The facility features an 11 kilowatt hybrid system with 85 thin flexible photovoltaic panels placed on the Center's roof, eliminating the expense of a solar panel array frame. Insulation under the roof serves as an energy-efficient environment for the thermostatically controlled evaporative coolers located in the attic. Throughout the buildings, energy-efficient windows reduce the facility's energy use. In interior spaces without windows, solar light tubes practically eliminate the need for electrical lighting during the day. A solar-powered radiant floor heating system prevents the water lines in the fire engine bays from freezing. During FY 2002, this impressive facility achieved an energy savings of 624 million Btu and a cost savings of more than $16,000.

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Renewable Energy Awards to Small Groups

Amy Hoffer
Mike Keeling
Major Jeffrey A. Renshaw
Michael J. Santoro
Paul Weaver
United States Air Force
Renewable Energy Purchase

Edwards Air Force Base, California

Edwards Air Force Base strategically developed a creative power contract that saved the Federal government millions of dollars in power costs and resulted in the Air Force's first major renewable power purchase. The Base faced major electricity rate increases beginning in the summer of 2000 and an uncertain energy market as the State of California was heading into an energy crisis. The Edwards team knew they had to act to stabilize the Base's electricity costs. Timing was critical, but the team successfully moved from energy crisis to energy security by negotiating a multi-year renewable power contract for the Base at fossil fuel prices. Supplying 60 percent of the Base's electricity needs from wind and biomass sources, the purchase will save the Base $8.4 million annually and provide 113 billion Btu in energy savings. With the success of the Edwards contract, 12 additional Air Force Bases have made significant purchases of wind power. The Air Force is now a leader among Federal agencies, responsible for approximately 50 percent of Federal renewable power purchases.

Greg Austin
Melissa Ennis
Vivian Rice-Smuin
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Ventura, California

A public-private partnership is working quietly and diligently to reintroduce the majestic California condor back to the wild. Playing a principle role in pulling the condor back from extinction are the dedicated researchers of the California condor research station at Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge, who are monitoring and caring for the condors. Working and living throughout the year at the refuge's remote research station, which was never connected to utility power lines, the researchers' primary source of power was an old, unreliable gasoline-powered generator. During FY 2002, a team from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Pacific Region successfully secured Service funds to install a 1.76-kilowatt solar system with 110-watt photovoltaic (PV) modules. The new PV array provides 100 percent of research station's electricity and water pumping needs, saving 78 million Btu annually and more than $1,000. Energy-efficient lights are adding to the energy savings and maximizing the effectiveness of the solar system. For this motivated team, eliminating the dependence on gasoline for electrical power and reducing the transfer of hazardous fuel just made sense for the fragile habitat of the condor.

Charles Caldwell
Mary Ann Crafton-Williams
Ken Edwards
Mark Orton
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Yuma, Arizona

The team from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Southwestern Region knew that solar collectors were the optimal choice to power the buildings serving the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, a Federally designated wilderness area receiving more than 350 days of sunshine annually. During FY 2002, the team, undeterred by budgetary and management hurdles, mobilized to install photovoltaic (PV) solar collectors on the Refuge's visitor center and office with funding received from the Service. The system provides approximately 47 percent of the facility's annual energy requirements at a yearly savings of 69 million Btu and $1,625. Added to the project's success is a $20,000 rebate from Arizona Public Utilities Commission. To meet the team's goal to eventually provide 100 percent solar power for the facility, the system was designed with the capability to increase the capacity of the PV collectors for future expansion. Quiet, non-polluting renewable energy is now protecting the delicate ecological balance of this remote green oasis, surrounded by desert mountains and conveying the importance of sustainable energy practices to refuge's visitors.

Gene Cheney
Zeb Darrah
Jeff Harmon
Jim Ziolkowski
U.S. National Park Service
Mount Rainer National Park

Ashford, Washington

Gone are the noise and emissions from diesel-powered generators, as well as wasted diesel fuel, at the White River Entrance of Mount Rainier National Park. The entrance is a gateway to the east side of the Park with visitor functions and residence area for 14 Park employees. Since 1931, the constant drone of diesel generators, and more recently liquid propane fired units, could be heard 24 hours a day. The Park's new 20-kilowatt solar hybrid system brings reliable electrical power to this remote area of Mount Rainier without a connection to an electric utility. The dedicated project team spearheaded nearly all phases of the project, from decreasing the site's electrical load; partnering with DOE's Bonneville Power Administration for design and installation of the solar array, battery bank, and inverter; performing preliminary system installation; working alongside the contracting team during the installation of the array; to performing maintenance and oversight of the system. The effectiveness of the system is a tribute to the Mount Rainier team, whose uncompromising attention to detail is saving the White River installation more than $9,000 in fuel costs and approximately 776 million Btu annually.

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Energy Efficiency/Energy Management Awards to Organizations

Department of Energy
Germantown Facility ENERGY STAR&174; Label

Washington, DC

Without sacrificing occupant comfort, health, or safety, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) was able to implement a number of energy conservation projects at its Germantown Facility, resulting in a 41 percent reduction in energy consumption at the end of FY 2002, compared to a 1985 baseline. Some of the conservation projects implemented were window upgrades, the installation of a building-wide energy management control system, renewable energy purchases, numerous product replacements with energy-efficient models, and HVAC upgrades. DOE's energy conservation measures qualified the Germantown Facility for the ENERGY STAR® Building Award, which identifies buildings that save energy and money while maintaining an acceptable indoor environment. FY 2002 energy and cost savings at the Germantown facility reached $340,000 and almost 40 billion Btu.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Major Rehabilitation Project

Garrison Hydroelectric Power Plant

A major rehabilitation project took place at the Garrison Dam powerhouse in North Dakota during FY 2002. Two of the five generating units were returned to service after turbine runner replacement, generator rewinding, and realignment. The original purpose of this effort was to improve reliability. However, the Corps team took advantage of opportunities to increase energy production without creating any negative environmental effects. When all five units are returned to service, annual energy production at Garrison will increase by nearly 200 million kilowatt-hours.

Department of the Army
Fort Carson

Fort Carson, Colorado

Fort Carson has established and maintained a comprehensive energy management program that emphasizes command, management, awareness, and project implementation. With the support of Fort Carson's Commanding General and various working groups, the Base was able to implement energy efficiency projects that saved more than $1.7 million and 42 billion Btu during FY 2002. One project involved the completion of a prototype green building training center that features low-e ENERGY STAR® windows, high-efficiency ENERGY STAR® furnaces, natural lighting, and LED exit signs. Other efforts included the installation of energy-efficient lighting, roof replacements, and the use of photovoltaics to power water pumping systems, which improves wildlife habitat and provides water for wildland resources.

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Energy Efficiency/Energy Management Awards to Small Groups

Kurt Kasules
Michael Michalak
Gary Sliwicki
Romesh Sood
Ted Thorson
Department of Energy
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Industrial Building Controls Retrofit

Batavia, Illinois

The Fermilab Industrial Building Controls Retrofit is a cooperative solution to reduce energy use associated with five HVAC units in Fermilab's main manufacturing facility for cryogenic superconducting accelerator components. This project replaced outdated pneumatic control systems with state-of-the-art direct digital controls, which are more accurate and maintainable, and allow for more sophisticated controls strategies. The project included new operating controls sequences for night setback of temperatures and ventilation, optimum start/stop of systems, and carbon dioxide monitoring for outside air control. Efforts resulted in savings of $5,000 and 402 million Btu.

Karlin Canfield, P.E.
Gail L. Cowen, P.E.
Alice S.F. Jeffreys, P.E.
Paul R. Viergutz
Southwest Division Energy Team
Department of the Navy
Navy Public Works Center

San Diego, California

The energy management systems/direct digital controls (EMS/DDC) team at the Navy Public Works Center, San Diego executed $21 million in technically feasible, cost-effective EMS/DDC projects during FY 2002. The projects will yield $6 million annually in energy cost savings while enhancing the operation, maintenance, and readiness of hundreds of facilities at 17 Navy and Marine Corps bases in the San Diego area. The team overcame technical, financial, and institutional obstacles to put in place one of the most highly-integrated, functional EMS/DDC networks in the Federal government. The projects developed and executed during FY 2002 will save about 128 billion Btu and reduce associated air emissions by more than 23,000 tons per year.

Carol Lautzenheiser
Guy Lunay
Robert Seiffert
Mark Trimarchi
General Services Administration
Dallas ESPC Project

Dallas, Texas

The U.S. General Services Administration's (GSA's) Greater Southwest Region's Energy Team implemented an ESPC project in three buildings located in Dallas and Sherman, Texas. The majority of the work took place in the building that houses the Department of Justice's national computer operations, which is a mission-critical operation that calls for an extremely high degree of reliability from the cooling equipment. The work in this building included consolidating two chiller plants into one, computer room cooling modifications, a lighting retrofit, and installation of an energy management system. The $2.4 million project saves more than 16.7 billion Btu and $245,000 annually.

Photo of the Facilities Maintenance Department team.

Camp Pendleton

Larry Albright
Jeff Allen
Raul Cantu
Larry Davis
Dave Macek
Tim Vincent

United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton
Facilities Maintenance Department
Camp Pendleton, California

During FY 2002, under direction from the energy manager, the Facilities Maintenance Department (FMD) at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton implemented several energy conservation projects and expanded the use its Resource Efficiency Management (REM) Program. These efforts resulted in approximately two million dollars in savings. One project implemented by MCB Camp Pendleton included using in-house funds to replace more than 20 large steam boilers with high efficiency hot water boilers and domestic hot water systems. The replacement allowed the boilers to be shut off during the summer months while meeting all requirements for domestic hot water. The new boilers are 35 percent more efficient, require less maintenance, and have less harmful emissions than the old steam boilers.

MCB Camp Pendleton was also able to generate significant energy and cost savings through its REM Program. A full-time, on-site resource efficiency manager supported the energy manager's efforts to reduce energy costs and consumption and meet the Base's mandated energy conservation goals. The REM Program focused on behavior, operation and maintenance, and efficiency upgrades to reduce energy use, help the environment, and save money. Program efforts included analyzing energy usage, identifying and implementing opportunities for energy and emission reductions, conducting training and awareness, and obtaining rebates and incentives from the local utility. Through these efforts, FMD has conserved energy, reduced labor costs, reduced air emissions, and improved overall quality of life at MCB Camp Pendleton.

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Energy Efficiency/Energy Management Awards to Individuals

Morgan Benson
Department of the Army

Dugway Proving Ground, Utah

Since 2000, Morgan Benson has developed a successful energy conservation program at Dugway Proving Ground. As energy program coordinator, Mr. Benson worked closely with the building energy monitors to develop viable projects for U.S. Department of Defense funding. He reviewed all installation suggestions, validated project scopes, calculated savings-to-investment ratios and simple payback periods, and prioritized and submitted projects. Mr. Benson also successfully awarded an energy savings performance contract. His energy conservation program has decreased energy consumption despite a one-third increase in population and a 400 percent increase in mission testing at Dugway. Mr. Benson became a Certified Energy Manager, and used his knowledge to involve personnel in the energy conservation program. Additionally, he has instilled an energy conservation ethic in the community through his outreach efforts during Energy Conservation Week. As a direct result of Mr. Benson's efforts, Dugway Proving Ground has achieved savings of more than 28 billion Btu and more than $114,000 during FY 2002.

George Lopez
United States Air Force

Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland

George Lopez single-handedly manages the energy program for Andrews Air Force Base. With a $14.7 million energy budget, he has averaged a 33 percent energy reduction during the past five years. Last year alone, Mr. Lopez orchestrated a program that produced 36 percent reduction in energy usage based on the 1985 baseline. This achievement is particularly noteworthy because he has not had the benefit of a large energy savings performance contract. All of the savings generated at Andrews Air Force Base were derived solely from Mr. Lopez's establishment of programs and small projects. He has changed the Base mindset, making energy conservation the norm for maintenance, retrofit, or new construction. His emphasis on "do it yourself relighting" and the Energy Management Control System continues to reap big benefits. Mr. Lopez also was instrumental in awarding the Base's first utility energy services contract for $300,000, an effort that has become the model of future work. The next phase of the UESC work holds promise for an additional $600,000 per year of savings. Mr. Lopez's endeavors resulted in savings of $340,000 and more than 30 billion Btu.

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Innovative/New Technology Awards to an Organization

Department of the Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Walla Walla District

Walla Walla, Washington

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, collaborated with public and private partners to develop an innovative passage system to improve fish migration in the lower Snake River in southeastern Washington State. The unique removable spillway weir—the first of its kind ever built—improves downstream fish migration while keeping the Lower Granite Dam operational. Its hinged construction allows the structure to be rotated out of the spillway to the bottom of the reservoir during flood events. The surface flow concept of the weir attracts and passes more fish using less water than the original conventional spillway configuration. Reduced spillway flow significantly improves river water quality, and the water that is conserved can be utilized at the powerhouse, resulting in increased hydropower electricity production. When fully implemented, the new technology is expected to result in cost savings of $1.1 million annually.

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Innovative/New Technology Awards to an Individual

David R. Murphy
United States Postal Service

Dallas, Texas

David Murphy has been a long-time pioneer in energy management for the U.S. Postal Service. His service of excellence continued during FY 2002 as he established the first electronic utility invoicing and payment system in the Postal Service. Working with utility companies, Mr. Murphy sprearheaded development of the electronic data interchange system to coordinate the collection of utility data from Postal Service facilities and maintain accurate energy consumption information. The system is projected to save $341,000 per year by cutting the costs of processing invoices. Energy data can now be captured, allowing for improved energy consumption analysis. This pilot effort is only the beginning of Mr. Murphy's continuing work on deployment of the system for facilities in other areas. The electronic data interchange system is now considered an important long-term cost-containment strategy for the Postal Service, and there are plans to transfer all utility payments to this system. Because of Mr. Murphy's tireless efforts, the Postal Service is achieving significant cost savings through better energy data management. The project has already resulted in FY 2002 savings of $38,000.

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Effective Program Implementation and Management Award to an Organization

Department of Health and Human Services
Jefferson Laboratories

Jefferson, Arkansas

The Food and Drug Administration's Jefferson Laboratories in Jefferson, Arkansas, has surpassed the energy reduction mandates of Executive Order 13123 through an energy program centered around a utility energy services contract (UESC). Eight task orders have now been completed, including the installation of a large electrical capacitor bank to correct the facility's power factor, the design and construction of a new cooling tower with variable frequency drive fans and motors, establishment of a supply-side management program for natural gas procurement, and implementation of an extensive lighting retrofit project.

Implementing the UESC with the local utility has helped institutionalize energy efficiency activities and policies at the Lab. The Division of Facilities Engineering addressed energy and water efficiency issues in the campus master plan, and presents project ideas to top-level management. This level of exposure to the Division's efficiency efforts motivated the team to look more closely at how the facility was managed. In four years, energy consumption has been reduced by 10 percent and greenhouse gas emissions by 12 percent. These results are a tribute to the value of alternative financing to Federal energy and water efficiency efforts.

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Effective Program Implementation and Management Awards to an Individual

Photo of the interior stairway at Jefferson Laboratories.

Jefferson Laboratories

Ray Levinson
United States Postal Service

Pacific Area

The Pacific Area of the U.S. Postal Service, under the leadership of Ray Levinson, has established one of the most comprehensive energy management programs in the Federal sector. Mr. Levinson has created a set of policies, procedures, and tools that have enabled his region to move toward an advanced state of economically and environmentally efficient use of energy, consistent with Federal energy goals and objectives. Mr. Levinson structured his energy efficiency activities around three program areas: establishing an effective administrative structure; providing useful tools including energy data collection and reporting and contractual vehicles; and implementing specific energy management related projects. For example, Mr. Levinson was responsible for the acquisition by the Postal Service of the largest building-integrated photovoltaic system among all Federal agencies—a 127 kilowatt system installed on the roof of the Marina Processing and Distribution Center in Los Angeles, that was subsequently designated a Federal Energy Saver Showcase Facility.

As a result of his activities, the Postal Service is poised to save millions of dollars in energy costs, significantly reduce the consumption of energy, and mitigate the impact of Postal Service operations on the environment.

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Exceptional Service Awards to Individuals

James B. Paton
Department of the Army
Installation Management Agency, Europe Region


James Paton is recognized for his leadership and vision in his position as Energy Manager of the Installation Management Agency, Europe Region, and for the personal contributions he has made to the Army's Energy Program. During the period of FY 1999 to FY 2002, Mr. Paton's efforts saved 80 billion Btu with a utility cost avoidance to the American tax payer of nearly $8 million. Mr. Paton was directly responsible for the awarding of the first Army energy savings performance contract and first task order for facilities in Europe. He also has been involved in the awarding of four more task orders, applying his energy project experience to ensure the use of valid savings measurement and verification procedures. Mr. Paton's energy awareness seminars, energy savings performance contracts, and energy manager training programs have been so successful that several of the other Army IMA Regions are beginning to adopt his program.

David J. Powers
Department of Transportation

Renton, Washington

David Powers is recognized for his strong leadership and outstanding achievements in directing the Northwest Mountain Region's Energy Compliance Program for the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Powers sponsored and funded in-house projects to retrofit efficient lighting and to upgrade HVAC systems to super high efficiency units. Mr. Powers supported the region's first FAA delivery order on an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) in Auburn, Washington, and has since been the motivation behind an ESPC delivery order for additional FAA facilities in the Salt Lake City and Denver areas. Mr. Powers successfully implemented the Region's first cost beneficial landscape project in Longmont, Colorado, and a second long term xeriscape project in Salt Lake City. He also is coordinating efforts between the FAA, the U.S. Department of Energy, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to study the feasibility of fiber optics and very efficient light emitting diode lighting for runway and navigational lighting systems. Finally, to ensure that the various projects are not perceived as novelties, he developed and has begun implementing a regional training program for energy and water managers of FAA facilities, as well as an energy awareness campaign for the region. Overall, Mr. Powers helped to save more than $340,000 in energy costs in FAA's Northwest Mountain Region.

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ENERGY STAR® Building Award for Superior Performance

ENERGY STAR® is a symbol of energy efficiency established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and DOE. Buildings that are among the top 25 percent nationwide in terms of energy performance (earning a bench marking score of 75 or greater) and maintain an indoor environment that conforms to industry standards can qualify to receive the Energy Star® label for buildings. Three buildings are being recognized this year as outstanding examples of energy efficiency in the Federal sector.

The Centre Phase 5 Building
Farmers Branch, Texas
U.S. General Services Administration

GSA Region 7 awarded $1.25 million in energy projects in FY 2002, earning the Centre Phase 5 Building a score of 98. Improvements included retrofits of fluorescent lighting with specular reflectors, T-8 lamps, and electronic ballasts; lighting replacements and conversions; installation of occupancy sensors, direct digital controls for variable air volume boxes, energy monitoring and control systems, and variable speed drives; and chiller and chiller plant upgrades. These projects are generating savings of almost 8,000 MBtu and more than $180,000 annually.

VA Puget Sound Health Care, Seattle Division
Seattle, Washington
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

With a score of 96, the VA Puget Sound Health Care System is the largest and most comprehensive VA facility in the region. The Seattle Division has been active in energy projects for many years, achieving its goals incrementally while maintaining the primary goal of quality patient care. Energy efficiency upgrades have included the replacement of exit sign lamps with LEDs, electronic ballast and lamp replacements, and installation of variable frequency drives and high efficiency motors on HVAC equipment. The project costs have totaled $2.5 million dollars, saved approximately 14,000 Mbtu, and produced annual cost savings of $225,000. The VA Puget Sound Health care System is an outstanding example of an energy team in action—implementing projects, reducing government costs, and maintaining quality service in their core mission.

Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Richmond, Virginia
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

The McGuire VA Medical Center has participated in a Veterans Affairs energy monitoring program for the past 20 years. The 2,000,000 square foot building, which earned an Energy Star score of 95, underwent upgrades including replacement of lighting with T-8 lamps, replacement of a chiller with a high efficiency unit, replacement of steam traps with improved units, and replacement of boiler controls with energy-efficient units. These projects have resulted in significant improvements in the facility's energy savings.

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Showcase Facility Award

Photo of Administrative Center and its new xeriscaped areas.

Administrative Center

Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia

The construction of the Center will eliminate nearly $800,000 in backlog maintenance needs by replacing five inadequate buildings with the new facility. Much of the currently occupied land will revert to wildlife uses, and xeriscaping and onsite wastewater recycling will lead to reduced site disturbance. The project utilized daylighting and energy-efficient lighting as well as geothermal heat pumps and rapidly renewable building materials.

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Director's Award

Lt Gen Richard Kelly
U.S. Marine Corps

Lieutenant General Richard Kelly is the Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics at the U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters. He is responsible for the leadership, management, integration, and modernization of worldwide Marine Corps logistics, engineering, services, and installations.

Under General Kelly's leadership, the Marine Corps has achieved outstanding energy efficiency goals, particularly in the area of mobility. Last year, the Marine Corps met 182 percent of its alternative fuel vehicle acquisitions requirements, purchasing 512 such vehicles. In addition, the Marine Corps continues to concentrate its compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles where CNG infrastructure is already established. Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) have been successfully used at several locations for light hauling and administrative purposes, and installations are finding unique ways to use NEVs and reduce the number of gasoline vehicles. In 2002, five California installations received 115 various NEV models.

Through the aggressive purchase and use of alternative fuel vehicles, the Marine Corps has exceeded EPAct requirements by 82 percent, is helping reduce harmful emissions, and is spreading the word about the benefits of non-traditional transportation methods. The Marine Corps estimates that it has reduced petroleum consumption by more than 24 percent compared to the FY 1999 baseline, exceeding the Executive Order 13149 20 percent reduction goal for FY 2005 three years ahead of schedule.

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