U.S. Department of Justice

The Elected Official’s Toolkit for Jail Reentry

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Feb. 11, 2011

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Those individuals involved in creating a jail reentry program will find this publication very useful. Information about various issues related to jail reentry is provided on single topic handouts. These handouts are divided into two sections--fact sheets regarding jail reentry and its key components and tools and resources for implementing or expanding a jail reentry initiative. Topics covered are: jail reentry overview; jails and the jail population; the jail-to-community continuum; stakeholders; support for reentry; an overview of the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative; the Second Chance Act; how local elected officials can get involved; profiles of reentry champions; examples of reentry initiatives; local legislation; getting started; talking points; PowerPoint presentation template; and a list of additional resources.

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