U.S. Department of Justice

Making Court the Last Resort: A New Focus for Supporting Families in Crisis

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Dec. 31, 2008

Library ID

  • 023477

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  • 2008
  • 16 pages.

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  • Making Court the Last Resort: A New Focus for Supporting Families in Crisis

ANNOTATION: Strategies for "refer[ring] at-risk youth and their families to social service programs in their communities and us[ing] the juvenile justice system as a last resort" are described" (p. 3). Case studies are provided for: Florida's FINS/CINS (Families in Need of Services/Children in Need of Services) system -- serving families while saving dollars; PINS (Persons in Need of Support) reform in New York -- local partnerships with statewide impact; and building effective responses for Connecticut's families -- legislation, investment, and research.

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