Geospatial Services
Information Resources and Technology Management
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Coastal Barrier Resources Resources Act
Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS)
Critical Habitat Portal
Geospatial Fisheries Information Network (GeoFIN)
Information, Planning, and Conservation System (IPaC)
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)
National Wild Fish Health Survey Database (NWFHSDb)
North Pacific Seabird Colony Database
Waterfowl Production Area Mapper

To remove the Federal incentive to develop sensitive coastal barriers, Congress passed the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) of 1982 which designated relatively undeveloped coastal barriers along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and made these areas ineligible for most new Federal expenditures and financial assistance. The Coastal Barrier Improvement Act (CBIA) of 1990 reauthorized the CBRA; expanded the CBRS to include undeveloped coastal barriers along the Florida Keys, Great Lakes, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands; and added a new category of coastal barriers to the CBRS called "otherwise protected areas" (OPAs).

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The US Fish & Wildlife Service's online service for information regarding Threatened and Endangered Species final Critical Habitat designation across the United States.

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Gateway web site that provides access to data systems in the Endangered Species and Fisheries and Habitat Conservation program areas, as well as other USFWS and Government data sources.

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The ECOS GeoFIN Mapper is an assemblage of data, showing an inventory of potential barriers to fish passage. Fish passage is a critical factor in maintaining the health of species and biodiversity to a geographical area.

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The IPaC system is designed for easy, public access to the natural resources Information for which the USFWS has trust or regulatory responsibility. The IPaC system assists people in Planning their activities within the context of natural resource Conservation. IPaC is also designed to assist people through the various regulatory consultation, permitting and approval processes administered by USFWS, helping achieve more effective and efficient results for both the project proponents and natural resources.

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Provides information to the public on the extent and status of the Nation's wetlands. The agency has developed a series of topical maps to show wetlands and deepwater habitats.

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The United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wild Fish Health Survey Database (NWFHSDb) contains data on pathogen occurrence in free-ranging (wild) populations of fish. The NWFHSDb displays pathogen distribution information and is based on the spatial data generated by the Fish Health Centers. The NWFHSDb itself is a geographic information system (GIS) designed to be accessed via a web browser. It offers users the ability to obtain maps of NWFHS data based on user-defined queries. Individual case reports are available for each record and search results may be downloaded in several formats for further analysis.

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Stores data on the location, breeding population size, and species composition of seabird colonies in the North Pacific. Documented colonies total 1,801 in Alaska and 484 in Far East Russia, each with a few pair to 5.75 million birds.

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The Prairie Pothole Region of North America was once the greatest expanse of grasslands and small wetlands on earth and has long been called the "Duck Factory" of North America. Waterfowl production areas are wetlands, and the surrounding uplands, that provide breeding, resting and nesting habitat for millions of waterfowl, shorebirds, grassland birds and other wildlife. WPAs also protect native plants, provide habitat for resident and migratory wildlife, help filter groundwater, control runoff and flooding, and capture carbon from the atmosphere. The WPA Mapper displays Wetland Management Districts and their associated Waterfowl Production Areas under the Small Wetlands Program.

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Last updated: May 7, 2014