How Can I Find Information on Endangered Species?
Office of External Affairs
Please start with the Web site for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program. There you can find out what's new, check the latest statistics, and obtain background information on different species. You can read the official listing and recovery plan documents, including Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP's). You can even enjoy a slide show, photo gallery, and Kid's Corner.

You may also retrieve information on threatened and endangered species if you search the National Conservation Training Center's Publications Clearinghouse (try using the keyword endangered) and the National Conservation Training Center library. We also have information on species that may not be listed as threatened or endangered, but are of special interest - see our Wildlife Species site.

Delmarva Fox Squirrel
Delmarva Fox Squirrel

Credit: USFWS photo

For information regarding this Web page, please contact us.
Last updated: February 11, 2009
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