Funding for Special   Communities

Nuclear Receptor Superfamily

Nuclear Receptor Superfamily and including: basic and clinical research on the roles of members of the steroid hormone superfamily (also known as the Nuclear Receptor Superfamily) in signal transduction and regulation of gene expression: Structure and function of the steroid hormones (GR, ER, TR, PR, MR, AR), DHEA; the vitamin/lipid receptors (vitamin D, retinoids, LXR, PXR, CAR, PPARs), and orphan receptors (HNF4, Nur77, COUP-TF, and others). Topics covered include receptor structure, interaction with cytoplasmic chaperones (e.g. Hsp90, Hsp70, etc.), interaction with ligand, nuclear translocation, binding to hormone response elements, interaction with coregulators, including coactivators (e.g. the p160 family-SRC-1, -2, -3; CBP/p300), corepressors (e.g. SMRT, N-CoR), histone and chromatin modifying enzymes (e.g. histone acetylase / deacetylase, arginine methyltransferases, etc.), mediator proteins (e.g. DRIP220, TRAP205). Also included are mechanisms of signal transduction that include regulation of gene expression, as well as nongenomic actions of NRs. Signal cross-talk with other signaling pathways, including other transcription factors. Diseases affected by members of the nuclear receptor superfamily include those of the thyroid, osteoporosis, T2Diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, and obesity, as well as lipid and xenobiotic metabolism.

For more information, contact Dr. Ronald Margolis, Senior Advisor, Molecular Endocrinology and Associate Director for Grants Administration.

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Page last updated: March 25, 2011

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