U.S. Department of Justice


  • TBD

Apply By

  • TBD


  • To be determined




Event ID

  • CLDFY11

How to Apply

Agencies that wish to host this program should send NIC a letter on agency letterhead expressing their interest and verifying that they can fulfill the host agency’s responsibilities listed above. The letter should also give the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person NIC should contact about the request.

  • John Eggers, Ph.D., Academy Division; toll-free telephone: 800-995-6429, ext. 6615; or 303-338-6615; e-mail: jeggers@bop.gov
  • Leslie LeMaster, Academy Division; toll-free telephone: 800-995-6429, ext. 6620; or 303-338-6620; e-mail: llemaster@bop.gov
  • Richard Geaither, Academy Division; toll-free telephone: 800-995-6429, ext. 6616; or 303-338-6616; e-mail: rgeaither@bop.gov
Application not currently available or registration cannot be done online.

Blended Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) Series

TBD--Build your cadre of senior level leaders while meeting the challenges of succession planning.


NIC's Blended Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) series helps develop the skills of senior level leaders in correctional agencies while addressing real agency issues at the same time. It is a blend of training and development strategies—face-to-face sessions, distance work via the web, e-course work, virtual instructor led (VILT) sessions, one-on-one coaching, and more—that take place over a year.

The blended CLD series consists of two 24- to 32- hour classroom sessions delivered approximately 3 to 4 months apart. Presession work involves participants completing several online instruments, applicable e-Learning courses, and other blended work. This program is based on the Leadership Challenge Model © developed by James Kouzes and Barry Posner and addresses five leadership practices: (1) challenging the process, (2) inspiring a shared vision, (3) enabling others to act, (4) modeling the way, and (5) encouraging the heart. A 360-degree feedback instrument assesses participants’ behavior against these five leadership practices.
The course also explores and connects other instruments and leadership models, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ®, the Profile of Organizational Influencing Strategies ®, and the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire for Teams ®, which assess participants’ psychological type, power bases, and faculty with using team strategies. Through the use of instrumentation, participant dialogue, online virtual sessions, and experiential activities, participants identify their leadership strengths and challenges, and create a personal leadership development plan. Between sessions one and two, participants have access to one on one coaching and will work in learning groups to undertake action-based learning projects focused on relevant issues in their agencies.


Program dates are determined jointly by the host site and NIC.

Eligibility Criteria

Final selection and scheduling of the blended CLD series is contingent on the organization’s commitment and preparedness to support the program participants in their learning before and throughout the program.


Senior-level leaders, such as prison wardens and superintendents, jail administrators, and senior probation and parole supervisors. Deputies of these leaders will be considered if recommended by their chief executive officer.

NIC and the host site share responsibilities for series coordination and delivery. The host site must be able to:

  • Assign staff to work with NIC during series coordination and delivery.
  • Provide participants logistical and leadership support for their participation in the series.
  • Market the training series and solicit applications.
  • Give NIC and series participants information on housing, meals, and transportation options near the training series site.
  • Provide one main training room and at least two nearby breakout rooms. The main training room should be at least 1200 square feet and have moveable tables, and the breakout rooms should be at least 400 square feet.
  • Provide audiovisual training equipment.
  • Purchase textbooks for each participant at a cost less than $50.00.

NIC will:
  • Provide series marketing materials for the host agency’s use.
  • Select trainers and pay their fees and expenses.
  • Provide all training materials for instructors and participants.
Note: NIC does not pay any participant expenses related to attendance or participation in this CLD partnership series.

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