U.S. Department of Justice

A Handbook for New Parole Board Members: Part of a Resource Kit for New Parole Board Members

Publication year: 2003 | Cataloged on: Jun. 09, 2009

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  • A Handbook for New Parole Board Members: Part of a Resource Kit for New Parole Board Members

ANNOTATION: Issues related to the profession of parole are discussed. Nine chapters follow an introduction: "Parole in Context"; "An Overview of Corrections and Criminal Justice-Reshaping Parole" by James Austin; "Parole as Part of the Criminal Justice System and the Community"; "Parole Decisionmaking"; "The Parole Interview" by Robert J. McGrath; "Legal and Ethical Issues" by Richard P. Stroker; "Victim Issues" by Anne Seymour; "Transition, Violation, and Revocation"; and "Parole as a Profession." A glossary is also included.

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