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G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative

Purpose of Form :
To provide notice that an attorney or accredited representative of a religious, charitable, social service or similar organization will appear before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on behalf of a person involved in a matter before USCIS.
Number of Pages :
Edition Date :
04/22/09; (09/26/00 also accepted)

Note on Expiration: USCIS continues to accept the 04/22/09 edition of Form G-28 available here despite the passing of the form's expiration date. An updated form will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
Where to File :

With the application or petition being submitted. If you are filing at a lockbox, important filing tips, as well as additional information on fees and customer service, are listed on our Lockbox Filing Tips webpage.

Filing Fee :
Special Instructions :

G-28 Data Transmission Issue: Due to a technical issue, from Aug. 20 to Oct. 7, 2011, no electronic G-28 (Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative) data was transmitted from the USCIS Lockbox case tracking system. This issue affected approximately 56,000 cases. While the Service Centers and National Benefit Center received the physical G-28 associated with an affected case, the electronic data for the case did not show a G-28 being associated with the file. As a result, subsequent notices generated by the centers would not have been sent to the attorney of record unless the data had been updated by the centers. This issue did not affect receipt notices—both applicant and attorney copies were sent out correctly from the USCIS Lockbox facilities. 

The technical issue has been resolved, and the centers were provided a list of the affected cases in order to update them with the correct electronic data. All future notices will be sent out correctly to both the applicant and attorney of record. If USCIS becomes aware that a representative or applicant has been negatively impacted by this situation, it will liberally apply its discretion to reopen the application on a Service Motion.

Note: Although Form G-28 contains an ‘N’ designation indicating that previous versions will not be accepted, USCIS has decided to extend the grace period for accepting previous versions of Form G-28 while the agency further refines the form.  USCIS expects to complete that process soon.  In the interim, USCIS will not reject filings accompanied by older versions of the form until further notice.

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Last updated:07/16/2012