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Articles with keyword "Education"

Etching of Rousseau


Friends of Rousseau

By Leo Damrosch

Some of the people he has influenced don't even realize it.

Photo of Keira Amstutz, CEO of Indiana Humanities

In Focus

Indiana's Keira Amstutz

By Julianna Thibodeaux

Humanities programs connect across state.

Tobacco wagon


Excerpts from the Writings of Wendell Berry

On work and the work of local culture

Peter Cooper, 1850


Peter Cooper’s Big Ideas

By James Williford

Steam engines and Jell-O paled beside the famed inventor's greatest legacy.

Exhibition Hall at Wagner Free Institute of Science in Philadelphia


Wagner Free Institute of Science

By Steve Moyer

The Exhibition Hall at the Wagner Free Institute of Science in Philadelphia, with its original systematic scheme of cherry-wood cabinets dating from the 1880s, provides a rare view of a Victorian scie

Happy Campers, Class of ’09 at the University of Portland


Happy Camp

By Amy Lifson

Happy Campers convene in Oregon.

Parents picket the schools in Kanawha County, 1974.


A Battle over Books

By David Skinner

West Virginians battled over their school books in 1974.

Ken Sullivan, Executive Director of West Virginia Humanities Council

In Focus

West Virginia's Ken Sullivan

By James E. Casto

Ken Sullivan stresses the role of the Civil War in the formation of his state.

A participant of the Prime Time Family Reading Time program engages with a book.


Ten Years of Prime Time

By David Skinner

Louisiana marks ten successful years of a literacy program.