U.S. Department of Justice

Toilet Training Companion Guide for Activists and Educators

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Oct. 03, 2012

Library ID

  • 026504

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  • 2010
  • 23 pages

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  • Toilet Training Companion Guide for Activists and Educators

ANNOTATION: Even though this guide is intended to accompany a video about bathroom access for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, it is an excellent resource that can be used by itself. It aims to “start conversations not only about trans bathroom access, but also about the impact of all sex-segregated facilities (shelters, jails and prisons, group homes, drug treatment facilities, etc.) on people who do not fit within gender norms. This is one of the most controversial and important fronts in the struggle to end gender identity discrimination, and [those at the SRLP] strongly believe that community education is the key to dispelling cultural myths and fears and establishing understanding about the struggle faced by those who do not fit easily into existing norms of binary gender” (p. 1). This publication is divided into three parts: I. Education and Discussion--Talking Points about Gender-Segregated Facilities, Talking Points about Accessible Bathrooms, Discussion Questions for the Classroom, and Activity Ideas for the Classroom or Workshop; II. Data and Information--Gender Neutral Bathroom Survey, Map of Jurisdictions with Transgender-Inclusive Non-Discrimination Laws, and Interview (excerpts) from Maximum Rock and Roll; and III. Doing your Own Work--sample letters for non-gendered bathroom organizing, and Resources for Transgender Activism.

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