The Planets and Dwarf Planets

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A planet is a large space object which revolves around a star. It also reflects that star's light. Eight planets have been discovered in our solar system. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the planets closest to the Sun. They are called the inner planets. The inner planets are made up mostly of rock. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are large balls of gases with rings around them. All eight planets travel around the Sun in a different orbit. In its orbit, there are not many other objects like the planet.

Dwarf planets are objects that are similar to planets except that they orbit the Sun in areas where there are many similar objects.

The Inner Planets The Outer Planets Dwarf Planets
Mercury Jupiter Pluto
Venus Saturn Ceres
Earth Uranus Eris
Mars Neptune Haumea

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