Aerial view of the Fermilab Accelerator Complex

Office of Science Director Bill Brinkman has charged Fermilab with finding a path forward to reach the scientific goals of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment in a phased approach. A Steering Group has been formed by Fermilab to study phased approaches and alternative experimental configurations.

Charge from William Brinkman's letter to Pier Oddone:

The charge is contained in the letter of Bill Brinkman to Pier Oddone that states in part:

"In order to advance this activity on a sustainable path, I would like Fermilab to lead the development of an affordable and phased approach that will enable important science results at each phase. Alternative configurations to LBNE should also be considered. Options that allow us to independently develop the Homestake Mine as a future facility for dark matter experiments should be included in your considerations. A report outlining options and alternatives is needed as soon as practical to provide input to our strategic plan for the Intensity Frontier program. OHEP will provide additional details on realistic cost and schedule profiles and on the due date for the report."


The timeline is determined by the need to provide detailed information on our plans to Congress for its consideration of the President's FY2013 Budget Request and for the planning of the Office of Science budget proposals for FY2014. A draft report will be delivered to Pier Oddone by June 1 and the final report by early August.

Last modified: 08/10/2012