Research and Analysis by Janet H. Murray

Activities and Expenditures of Preretirees
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 38 No. 8 (released August 1975)
by Janet H. Murray

Changes in Food Expenditures, 1969–73: Findings From the Retirement History Study
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 41 No. 7 (released July 1978)
by Janet H. Murray

Family Structure in the Preretirement Years
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 36 No. 10 (released October 1973)
by Janet H. Murray

Homeownership and Financial Assets: Findings from the 1968 Survey of the Aged
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 35 No. 8 (released August 1972)
by Janet H. Murray

Living Arrangements of People Aged 65 and Older: Findings from 1968 Survey of the Aged
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 34 No. 9 (released September 1971)
by Janet H. Murray

Old-Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance: Changes in the Beneficiary Population
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 4 (released April 1969)
by Janet H. Murray

Potential Income From Assets: Findings of the 1963 Survey of the Aged
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 27 No. 12 (released December 1964)
by Janet H. Murray

Subjective Retirement
from Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 42 No. 11 (released November 1979)
by Janet H. Murray